
  • 网络jack & bobby;The Two Brothers
  1. 这两兄弟长得一模一样,说起话来也一模一样。

    The two brothers look and speak the same as each other .

  2. 这两兄弟之间有过节儿。

    There is resentment between the two brothers .

  3. 这两兄弟太相像了,很难区分他们。

    The two brothers are so much alike , it is difficult to discriminate one from the other .

  4. 例如,两兄弟不得不去学校图书馆为他们的科学项目借书,因为史密斯先生和夫人需要外出购物,但他们没法在网上买东西。

    For example , the two brothers have to go to the school library to borrow books for their scientific projects , and Mr. and Mrs. Smith need to go out shopping because they cannot buy things online .

  5. 这两兄弟已经好几年没跟对方说过话了,但在他们的父亲病倒后,俩人终于和解了。

    The two brothers hadn 't spoken for years but they decided to bury the hatchet when their father became ill .

  6. 两兄弟大学时都学设计,理查德还接着在剑桥大学(cambridgeuniversity)读了一个高级设计制造管理的文学硕士(ma)学位。

    Both studied design at University , and Richard followed up with an MA in advanced design manufacturing management at Cambridge University .

  7. 美国零售商塔吉特(target)找到了他们,但两兄弟觉得josephjoseph产品种类太少,无法为一家这么大的连锁商店供货。

    Target , the US retailer , approached them but the brothers felt the Joseph Joseph range was too small to supply such a big chain .

  8. 在《小姐好白》中,肖恩和马龙-韦恩斯两兄弟扮演同是兄弟的FBI探员,为了保护女继承人免遭绑架,他俩扮成了女人。

    In White Chicks , Shawn and Marlon Wayans play agent brothers to protect heiresses from a kidnapping by disguising themselves as the women .

  9. vt.使…相异;使…不同vi.相异;意见分歧这两兄弟的外貌相像,可是嗜好却大大不同。……

    differ The two brothers are like each other in appearance but differ widely in their tastes .......

  10. 之后将会有一段闪回,讲述1942年两兄弟的故事,当时Damon卷入一个名叫Charlotte的女人的事情。

    Later , flashbacks reveal the undead duo trolling the Big Easy in 1942 , when Damon gets involved with a woman named Charlotte ( Madeline Zima ) .

  11. 1981年大石油商M.戴维斯买下了这家公司。哥伦比亚影业公司(ColumbiaPicturesCorp.)1920年,原来在环球影片公司工作的H.科恩、J.科恩两兄弟和J.布兰特在好莱坞成立了一家摄制喜剧短片的小公司,名叫CBC电影销售公司。

    Metro Picture Corporation ( formed in 1915 ) , Goldwyn Picture Corporation ( 1917 ) , and Louis B. Mayer Pictures ( 1918 ) , under the control of movie theater magnate Marcus Loew .

  12. Choco和Furby两兄弟已经在一起生活了八年了,现在他们紧张地躲到笼子里去了。

    Brothers Choco and Furby have lived together for eight years ( Come on in . ) and apprehensively entered their new caged quarters .

  13. 这是给他们的回报,当然也还有很多人认为Elena跟Salvatore这两兄弟谁都不好,最好让她自己一个人。

    It 's payoff for them , but there are a lot of people out there , who think Elena would be much better off if she were rid of both [ Salvatore brothers ] .

  14. 哈迪进入了Tellme公司的创业团队,阿里则进入了LinkExchange的创业团队——也就是谢家华Zappos公司的前身。后来两兄弟都把公司卖给了微软(Microsoft),各自赚了不少钱。

    On the founding teams of Tellme ( Hadi ) and LinkExchange ( Ali ) -- Hsieh 's pre-Zappos startup -- the brothers both made money selling those companies to Microsoft ( MSFT ) .

  15. 威斯布鲁克和哈登两兄弟同时入选了最佳阵容第一阵。他们都在去年夏天与球队完成了续约,今年夏天,在NBA和球员工会的特许下,他们也将同时获得特权球员的续约资格。

    All-NBA First Team winners Westbrook ( Oklahoma City Thunder ) and Harden ( Houston Rockets ) , who both had their contracts restructured and extended last summer , will both be eligible for new extensions this summer , specifically grandfathered in by the NBA and the players union .

  16. 科赫(Koch)兄弟或许买下了今秋的4.4万个付费广告,帮助他们青睐的、代表煤炭和石油业利益的候选人赢得了选举,但两兄弟没有买下美国人的良心,今天听到美中在北京发表的联合声明,大多数美国人会感到高兴。

    The Koch brothers may have bought some 44000 paid ads this fall to help put favoured coal and oil candidates over the top , but they did not buy the souls of the American people , who by a large majority will be gratified today by the announcements from Beijing .

  17. 经过短短三年的疯狂扩张、产品开发和资金筹集,两兄弟的公司i-level已经在上海的出租车上安装了4000个数字广告显示屏,并已签下合同,将在北京的出租车上再安装4000个。

    After just three years of feverish expansion , product development and money-raising , the brothers ' company , i-level , has 4,000 digital advertising screens installed in taxis around Shanghai and has contracts to put another 4,000 into the Beijing taxi armada .

  18. 两兄弟当中的一个很穷,另一个却很富。

    One brother is poor , but the other is thriving .

  19. 两兄弟为了一些钱吵架。

    The two brothers quarreled with each other over some money .

  20. 学校的运动和自行车骑行都在两兄弟的活动范畴之内。

    School sports and bike riding are among their physical activities .

  21. 两兄弟都经历了自由党的衰退期。

    Both brothers lived through the decline of the liberal party .

  22. 在这两兄弟中,年轻的这个更聪明。

    Of the two brothers , the younger is more clever .

  23. 我不认识这两兄弟。

    I don 't know either one of these Vargas brothers .

  24. 我已把这两兄弟搞混拉。

    I can 't tell the differences from the two brothers .

  25. 两兄弟性格上的差异是很突出的。

    The differences in temperament between the two brothers were striking .

  26. 一种新基因型导致两兄弟轻度先天性红细胞生成性卟啉症

    Two brothers with mild congenital erythropoietic porphyria due to a novel genotype

  27. 两兄弟长得异常相似。

    The two brothers are as like as two peas .

  28. 仙子的魔法把两兄弟变成了天鹅。

    The fairy 's magic changed the brothers into swans .

  29. 黑人,黑人的邮件,把这两兄弟投入监狱。

    Black man , black mail , throw the brother in jail .

  30. 不过我确信那两兄弟在巴拿马。

    But I do believe the brothers are in panama .