
  1. 两岸三通有望局部突破。

    The three direct links across the Straits are expected to have a partial breakthrough .

  2. 海峡两岸三通政策&从博弈到共识

    The " Three Links " Policy Across the Taiwan Straits : From Game to Common Understanding

  3. 本论文还提出开放两岸三通是台湾企业实现全球运筹的关键之所在。

    It also proposes that the opening of the Three direct links is the key for the Taiwanese companies to realize global operation .

  4. 两岸三通议题长远看来,应回归于经济、法律等实质面去探讨,始能使两岸获得双赢。

    Issues of cross-strait links the long-term view , should return to the economy , the substantive law to explore the surface , before both sides can be a win-win trend .

  5. 两岸直接三通,必须遵循“一个中国、直接双向、互惠互利”的原则。

    The three direct links across the Straits should be based on the principle of " one china , direct and twoway exchange , and reciprocity and mutual benefit " .

  6. 2008年随着两岸直接三通的初步实现,闽台旅游合作也进入了全面双向互动的全新时期。

    In 2008 , with the initial realization for the " Three Direct Links ", cooperation in tourism between Fujian and Taiwan has entered a new period of comprehensive two-way interaction .

  7. 进一步扩大两岸人员往来和经济、文化等领域的交流与合作,积极推进两岸直接三通。

    We should further expand the scope of personnel visits across the Straits as well as exchanges and cooperation in the economic , cultural and other fields while vigorously promoting the opening of the " three direct links " between the two sides .