
  • 网络Cafe Liang
  1. 请来两杯咖啡和一杯热巧克力。

    Two coffees and a hot chocolate , please .

  2. 请来两杯咖啡。

    Two coffees , please .

  3. A:要喝点什么吗?B:好的,两杯咖啡。

    A : Something to drink ? B : Yeah , two coffees .

  4. 请来两杯咖啡,一杯要加牛奶,一杯不加。

    Two coffees please , one with milk and one without .

  5. 那就去楼下商店带两杯咖啡过来。

    Go to the store and borrow two coffee mixes .

  6. 我要一个火腿三明治,还有两杯咖啡。

    I 'd like a ham sandwich and two cups of coffee .

  7. 一天不喝多于两杯咖啡;

    Do not take alcohol more than a cup daily ;

  8. 就溜达到星巴克去买两杯咖啡吧。

    Liu Dadao buy two cups of Starbucks coffee on the bar .

  9. 我只给你留了五块面包和两盒咖啡。

    We left you five pieces of bread and two cases of coffee .

  10. 他用两杯咖啡招待我们。

    He served us with two cups of coffee .

  11. 请来两杯咖啡,越快越好。

    Two coffee please , and make it snappy .

  12. 请给我一杯茶和两杯咖啡。

    Can I have a tea and two coffees .

  13. 跟两杯咖啡做晚餐。

    And two cups of coffee here last night .

  14. 麻烦给我两杯咖啡好吗?

    Would you bring me two cups of coffee ?

  15. 我倒了两杯咖啡。

    I 've poured two cups of coffee .

  16. 他要了两份咖啡和一份三明治。

    He ordered two coffees and a sandwich .

  17. 我已经喝下两杯咖啡了。

    I 've had two cups of coffee .

  18. 两张咖啡桌也到了。

    The two coffee tables are also here .

  19. 是的,请拿两杯咖啡。

    Yes , coffee for two , please .

  20. 我叫了两杯咖啡和一份冰淇淋。

    I ordered two coffees and an ice-cream .

  21. 我们点了两壶咖啡,你为何只拿一壶来?

    We ordered two pots of coffee , Why did you bring only one pot ?

  22. 请来两份咖啡。

    Bring me two coffees , please .

  23. 跟平时一样吗,外带两杯咖啡

    Usual ? Two coffees to go ?

  24. 你们要的是一块奶酪蛋糕、一份冰激淋和两杯咖啡。

    So , that 's a cheesecake , an ice cream and two coffee , please .

  25. 请先给我们两份咖啡。

    Two coffees please , first .

  26. 我甚至喝了两杯咖啡使她高兴,我讨厌咖啡。

    I even drank two cups of coffee to make her happy , and I HATE coffee !

  27. 商业上熟知的两种咖啡豆是:阿拉比卡豆和罗伯斯特豆。

    The two commercially significant species of coffee beans are : coffea arabica , and coffea robusta .

  28. 于是他们从淡咖啡、浓咖啡及这两类咖啡对应的经过高温蒸气处理的咖啡提取出相关物质进行对比研究。

    So they took extracts of two coffee blends one light , one dark and their steam-treated counterparts .

  29. 他每天喝两次咖啡,不加奶油或牛奶,晚上喝代用品茶。

    Coffee , without cream or milk , he had twice a day , in the evening substituting tea ;

  30. 长期的流行病学研究证明每日一到两杯咖啡对人是安全的。

    Long term epidemiological evidence more than supports the safety of a cup or two of coffee a day .