
  • 网络The TWO Friends
  1. 我和两个朋友在大学春假期间开车去了佛罗里达。

    Two friends and I drove to Florida during college spring break

  2. 这两个朋友发现他们与官员们无法沟通。

    The two friends find themselves at cross-purposes with the officials .

  3. 贝丝因比她的两个朋友个子都矮而感到很不自在。

    Bess was self-conscious about being shorter than her two friends .

  4. 他和两个朋友正在攀岩时突然听到了求救声。

    He and two friends were climbing a rock face when they heard cries for help .

  5. 正当她准备出发去下一个村子时,两个朋友乘出租车来了。

    Just as she prepared to set off to the next village , two friends arrived in a taxi .

  6. 我开始有点慌了,但仍旧不动声色,免得我们的两个朋友担心。

    I was beginning to feel alarm , but kept it to myself so as not to worry our two friends .

  7. 这两个朋友每周都有信件往来。

    The two friends interchange letters each week .

  8. 两个朋友谈论着天气。

    The two friends chatted away to each other about the weather .

  9. 昨夜简的两个朋友来了,现在还留在这里。

    Two of jane 's friends drifted in last night , and are staying here .

  10. 我的两个朋友前晚去看电影了,没有邀请我。

    Two of my friends had gone to the movies the night before and hadn 't invited me .

  11. 在大学间进行划船比赛的想法来自两个朋友——剑桥大学的学生查尔斯·梅里维尔和他在牛津大学的朋友查尔斯·华兹华斯。

    The idea for the boat race between the universities came from two friends – Charles Merivale , a student at Cambridge , and his friend Charles Wordsworth who was at Oxford .

  12. 然后这两个朋友来到梦中黄蜂指示的那棵松树下。

    The two friends then went under the pine tree which the wasp had shown in the dream .

  13. v.争吵那两个朋友争吵后,现在不再和对方说话。……

    wrangle The two friends wrangled and now they don 't speak to each other .......

  14. 我,还有我双胞胎的妹妹以及另外两个朋友一起在Michelle家过夜。

    Michelle , my twin sister and myself along with two other friends spent the night at Michelle 's house .

  15. “T”的母亲ChaoKeMay表示:“当时她非常痛苦,在她两个朋友的护送下她才能回家。”

    T. 's mother - Chao Ke May - said : ' Two of her friends helped her home from school and she was in pain . '

  16. 2010年9月,迈克尔·多比(MichaelDobie)和两个朋友搬去了黎明村。正是这两个朋友在一本旅游指南中发现了这个中国村庄。

    Michael Dobie moved to Liming in September 2010 with two friends who discovered the Chinese village in a travel brochure .

  17. Sohel同两个朋友一起去钓鱼。

    Sohel went fishing with two of his friends .

  18. 18岁的AndrejCiesielski和两个朋友偷偷躲过保安,一起爬上中国上海金茂大厦后拍摄了这些不可思议的图片。

    Andrej Ciesielski , 18 , captured the incredible images after sneaking past security guards and scaling the Jin Mao Tower in Shanghai , China , with two pals .

  19. 她说她可以在自己的Fitbit显示屏上看到两个朋友的步行数,“我一直在追赶这两个我还没有赶上的家伙”。

    I 'm constantly chasing these two people who I haven 't caught up to , ' she says , referring to two friends whose total number of steps she can view on her device 's display screen .

  20. 这两个朋友愉快地喝酒聊天几乎无所不谈。

    The two friends happily drank and talked about many subjects .

  21. 总是和他的两个朋友一起来赌场。

    Came to the club all the time with two friends .

  22. 他在两个朋友的争辩中保持中立。

    He remained neutral in the argument between his two friends .

  23. 一天,两个朋友在喝了酒之后相遇了。

    One day , the two friends met in drinks .

  24. 一天,约翰带两个朋友进山。

    One day John took two of his friends into the mountains .

  25. 我和两个朋友通过步行和搭便车到了那里。

    I went with two friends , walking and hitch-hiking .

  26. 这两个朋友已经多年没有联系了。

    The two friends haven 't communicated with each other for years .

  27. 这两个朋友之间的纽带关系无疑是牢固的。

    Without question , a strong bond existed between the two friends .

  28. 两个朋友在生日时互赠礼物。

    The two friends gave presents to each other on their birthdays .

  29. 他的两个朋友的相识将会改变我们的世界

    that the meeting between his two friends would change our world .

  30. 我在沪江又结识了两个朋友!你喜欢他们不?

    Two more new friends at HJ ! Do you like it ?