
  • 网络Hagen;Haagen;Hagan
  1. 搬到德国后,他成了著名的库尔特·埃德尔哈根管弦乐队的一名忠实听众。

    Moving to Germany , he became a stalwart of the revered Kurt Edelhagen Orchestra .

  2. 而我正在阅读的扬•哈根(JanHagen)的《直面错误:航空业处理错误的经验教训》(ConfrontingMistakes:LessonsfromtheAviationIndustrywhenDealingwithError)也可能享受同样待遇。

    Confronting Mistakes : Lessons from the Aviation Industry when Dealing with Error by Jan Hagen , which I am reading at the moment , may do so too .

  3. DrGilbert工作于丹麦歌本哈根大学,他和他所领导的团队刚刚在杂志上发表了他们的新发现。

    Dr Gilbert , who works at Copenhagen University , in Denmark , is one of the leaders of a team that has just published its findings in Science .

  4. 洛厄尔花钱请沃尔特・哈根(WalterHagen)和高尔夫特技表演大师乔・柯克伍德(JoeKirkwood)宣传和使用该器械。它在商业上获得了成功,到1925年获得专利之时,它已经取得了超过10万美元的销售额。

    He paid Walter Hagen and trick-shot artist Joe Kirkwood to endorse and use the device , and it was a commercial success , with more than $ 100000 in sales by the time it was patented in 1925 .

  5. 所以当哈根给我一种邪恶的东西。

    So when Hagen came to me with an unhoiy thing .

  6. 我不管琼斯和哈根有多好。

    I don 't care how good Jones and Hagen are .

  7. 从那时起,沃特哈根只参加表演赛。

    From that time on , Walter Hagen played only exhibition matches .

  8. 哈根正在第三大街翻修一座教堂

    Hagen is doing a church restoration on third street .

  9. 堂-科利昂带着对哈根效能的满意点点头。

    Don Corleone nodded with satisfaction at Hagen 's efficiency .

  10. 出来到花园里,哈根焦急地寻找桑尼·科利昂。

    Out in the garden , Hagen searched anxiously for Sonny Corleone .

  11. 他只差琼斯三杆,哈根两杆。

    He 's pulled within three of Jones and two of hagen .

  12. 哈根希望一年后她可以回到这里。

    Hagen hopes that in another year she 'll be back here .

  13. 当堂进了屋子,哈根递给他那份名单。

    When the Don entered the room , Hagen handed him the list .

  14. 他们说没有他哈根就不比赛。

    They say Hagen won 't play without him .

  15. 但哈根很久以前就学会一件事。

    But Hagen had long ago learned one thing .

  16. 哈根有点儿被这冷淡所伤害,可是只有耸耸肩对它不予理会。

    Hagen was a little hurt by this coolness but shrugged it off .

  17. 我们的交易不是这样的,哈根!

    That wasn 't the deai , hagen !

  18. 他看见哈根疑惑地看着他。

    He saw Hagen look at him questioningly .

  19. 哈根在他的便笺本上做了笔记。

    Hagen made a note on his pad .

  20. 哈根注意到堂-科利昂的变化。

    Hagen noticed the change in Don Corleone .

  21. 带他进去吉米去找哈根来

    Take him in.Jimmy ! Go get Hagen !

  22. 哈根,睁大你的眼睛,别太多疑了。

    Open your eyes , hagen , and let your suspicious mind have a holiday .

  23. 哈根要斯派克扶着旗子万一他进洞。

    Hagen wants spec to hold the flag for him in case he sinks it .

  24. 哈根扮个鬼脸,考虑是否告诉堂,随后又决定不这么做。

    Hagen grimaced , debated whether to inform the Don , and decided against it .

  25. 这是关于哈根的信息吗

    Is this the information on Hagen ?

  26. 我想再看看,尤其是对阵琼斯和哈根。

    I 'd love to see him play again , especially against Jones and hagen .

  27. 这个回答告诉哈根两件事。

    This answer told Hagen two things .

  28. 巩特尔和哈根呢?

    Where are Gunther and hagen ?

  29. 这是新的比赛,没人比琼斯和哈根更清楚。

    It was a new match , and no one knew it better than Jones and hagen .

  30. 1981年,奥地利萨尔兹堡哈根家族的四个兄弟姐妹成立了“哈根四重奏”乐团。

    The Hagen Quartet was founded in1981 by four siblings of the Hagen family from Salzburg Austria .