
  • 网络harvard university library;Harvard Library
  1. 描述哈佛大学图书馆系统和馆藏管理的特点。

    The article reviews the system of Harvard University Library and its collection management .

  2. 这是来自哈佛大学图书馆的训言。

    This is the motto from the library of Harvard University .

  3. 在哈佛大学图书馆,读者坐满了阅览室。

    At Harvard , our reading rooms are full .

  4. 这是一本研究中国古典文学的书,收藏在美国哈佛大学燕京图书馆。

    Classical Chinese literature : an anthology of translations edited by John Minford and Joseph S.M.Lau .

  5. 方言、宗教文化与晚清地方社会&以美国哈佛大学燕京图书馆所藏榕腔文献为中心

    Dialect , Religion Culture and Local Society in the Late Qing Dynasty : Taking the " Foochow Dialect " Documents in Harvard-Yenching Library as a Central Study

  6. 这本书陈列在哈佛大学霍顿图书馆。科学家使用肽质量指纹图谱技术分析显微样品后,确认该书封面由人皮制成。

    Scientists confirmed the binding on the book , housed in the Houghton Library , is human skin after using a technique known as peptide mass fingerprintings to analyse microscopic samples .

  7. (当我20岁的时候,女生是禁止进入哈佛大学本科生图书馆的。)担任校长后,我收到了全世界许多年轻女性的来信,说我的成功让她们觉得自己也能胜任任何事情。

    ( When I was 20 , women were not allowed into the Harvard undergraduate library . ) When I was appointed , I had many letters from young women all over the world , telling me that it made them feel as though they could do anything .

  8. RobertDarnton是哈佛大学教授和图书馆员。

    Robert Darnton is a professor and university librarian at Harvard University .

  9. 问题:我听说哈佛大学的某个图书馆墙上有一列校训?

    Q : I 've heard there is a list of proverbs / mottos / aphorisms / reprimands on the wall of a Harvard Library .