
  • 网络Junior college
  1. 美国的社区学院起源于19世纪末20世纪初的初级学院运动,经过一个多世纪的发展,社区学院已经成为美国高等教育体系中一个不可或缺的重要组成部分。

    American community college originated in The Junior College Movement in the beginning of 20th century .

  2. 其源于19世纪末20世纪初的初级学院运动。

    It dated from the Junior College Movement in the late 19th century and early 20th century .

  3. 安格说,私立初级学院的学费为每年7000美元。

    Private junior colleges average $ 7,000 a year , according to Unger .

  4. 他们都会升上好的初级学院。

    They go on to top junior colleges .

  5. 那些刚获知'o'水准成绩的学生,想要知道他们在初级学院或理工学院,应该选读什么课程。

    Those who 've just got their gce'o'level results want to know what course they should do in junior college or polytechnic .

  6. 除了自主学校自行设定学费的金额,所有小学、中学、初级学院的学生都只付极少的学费。

    Except the scholarships the school offers , all the students shall only pay a little for the fee to go to school .

  7. 这种模式打开的可能性,以满足您的要求或采取了一类可能不提供在您当地的初级学院。

    This model opens up the possibility for you to satisfy a requirement or take a class that might not be offered at your local junior college .

  8. 学生在预备学习一年之后,就可以准备进入四年制的大学或是两年制的初级学院学习了。

    One year at a prep school left students with four years of eligibility at a four-year university , as opposed to two years of eligibility after two years at a junior college .

  9. 的橄榄球项目中获取学术成就我是接受了初级学院教练特里.谢的建议他当时加入了斯奈德的团队认为我有用武之地这很有趣

    Bruce Snyder 's football program I had come on the advice of my junior college coach Terry Shea who had joined Snyder 's staff . And thought I might be able to play It 's interesting .

  10. 美国社区学院的办学宗旨是为其所在地区提供教育计划和服务,属于高等教育体系,也被称为两年制学院或初级学院,是连接高中和四年制大学的桥梁。

    The school-running ethos of community college in America is to provide educational programme and service for its district . The community college is also named as two year system college or initial college , and is the bridge linking senior middle school and " four year system " university .