
chū bù zhènɡ jù
  • prima facie evidence;preliminary proof
  1. 行李票是行李托运和运输合同条件的初步证据。

    The baggage check shall constitute prima facie evidence of the checking of the baggage and of the conditions of the contract of transport .

  2. 第一百一十一条客票是航空旅客运输合同订立和运输合同条件的初步证据。

    Article 111 The passenger ticket shall constitute prima facie evidence of the conclusion and conditions of the contract of transport of passenger by air .

  3. 据凯投宏观(CapitalEconomics)说,影响7月份通货膨胀数据的因素之一是有初步证据显示猪肉价格逐渐见顶。

    One factor in July 's inflation reading , according to Capital Economics , is'tentative evidence'of peaking pork prices .

  4. 闽南地区TT病毒的变异及经输血传播的初步证据

    Variation of TT viruses in Minnan area and evidence for transfusion transmission

  5. 初步证据显示,在转基因青蒿植株中,突变型SS基因已取代野生型SS基因。

    The preliminary data showed that the wild-type SS gene was replaced by mutated SS gene in the transgenic A. annua plant .

  6. 获得了ACP使推进剂产生非平行层燃烧从而大幅度提高燃速的初步证据。

    The primary evidence of non-parallel layer combustion in the motors by the fast-burning energetic compound ACP was obtained .

  7. 但初步证据显示,约束需求做得还并不到位。

    But the early evidence suggests such rationing has not gone far enough .

  8. 经济依赖性,真的损害审计质量吗?&来自中国证券市场的初步证据

    Economic Dependence and Audit Quality & The Evidence from China 's Capital Market

  9. 确有一些支持这种论点的初步证据。

    There is indeed some prima facie evidence to support such a thesis .

  10. 初步证据表明,艾滋病毒可能对孕产妇死亡率有显著影响。

    Early evidence shows that HIV may have a significant impact on maternal mortality .

  11. 海岸警卫队表示,初步证据表明,这起事故不涉及恐怖主义。

    Initial indications show that terrorism wasn 't involved , the Coast Guard said .

  12. 但是,有初步证据显示两者之间存在相关联系。

    But there is a prima facie evidence to believe that there is a connection .

  13. 会计准则能提高会计信息质量吗&来自中国股市的初步证据

    Can Accounting Standards Enhance Accounting information Quality

  14. 但目前有初步证据表明,至少一部分投资者正开始区别对待不同的新兴市场。

    But now there is tentative evidence that at least some are becoming more discriminating .

  15. 现在他们在存在数学困难的人身上也看到了初步证据。

    Now they 've found preliminary evidence for those who struggle in math , too .

  16. 论四大会计师事务所的审计质量&来自中国证券市场的初步证据

    On Auditing Quality of Four Giant Accounting Firms : Preliminary Evidences from China 's Capital Market

  17. 法律推定利益的丧失或损害,是构成违反之诉的最基本概念,义务的违反构成了利益的丧失或损害的初步证据。

    The legal presumption of benefits nullification or impairment is the key concept in the violation cases .

  18. 尽管许多尝试都是新的,但初步证据表明,(这些转变)可以潜在地节约(医疗)费用。

    Although many experiments are new , preliminary evidence suggests a potential to produce savings in costs .

  19. 中华鲟天然群体蛋白质水平遗传多样性贫乏的初步证据

    The preliminary evidence for low genetic diversity in Chinese sturgeon ( Acipenser sinensis ) revealed by protein electrophoresis

  20. 初步证据显示大脑两侧的杏仁核功能的确存在偏侧化,并且与右侧杏仁核相比,左侧杏仁核出现更多激活。

    Indeed , the function of amygdala is asymmetry , and left amygdala shows more active than right amygdala .

  21. 奥巴马政府实施银行非国有化的决策被当成是寡头权力的初步证据。

    The Obama administration 's decision not to nationalise the banks is presented as prima facie evidence of the oligarchs'power .

  22. 本文提供了股权质押经济后果的初步证据,为相关监管部门提供了决策的依据。

    This paper supplies the evidence for the economic consequences of the stock pledge and the basis for the market regulating .

  23. 初步证据显示,在一些国家,孕产妇死亡率略有下降,由熟练助产士辅助的分娩数量有所上升。

    Preliminary evidence indicates modest reductions in maternal mortality and improvements in use of skilled attendant at birth in several countries .

  24. 什么决定了利润差异:会计准则还是职业判断?&来自中国A、B股市场的初步证据

    What determines Earnings Discrepancy : Accounting standards or professional judgment ? & Preliminary evidence from China 's A and B Share reporting

  25. 中国国家审计独立性的损害因素及控制机制研究&基于246位专家调查的初步证据

    Research on Impairment Factors and Control Mechanism of Chinese Government Audit Independence & Primary Investigation Evidences from 246 Audit and Accounting Expert

  26. 虽然众人还在探究灰狼的影响,但初步证据仍强烈暗示犬科动物是「无意间复原环境的生物学家」。

    ALTHOUGH THE JURY is still deliberating the effects of wolves , early evidence strongly suggests that the canids are unwitting restoration biologists .

  27. 其次,由法院根据原告初步证据推定被告存在过错和滥用公司法人格行为。

    Secondly , the court deduce from the original evidence offered by the plaintiff that the defendant should have fault and has abused the corporate personality .

  28. 周日,研究人员援引初步证据称,一类新的实验性降胆固醇药物可能会大幅降低心肌梗死和中风风险。

    A new class of experimental cholesterol drugs might sharply reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes , researchers reported on Sunday , citing what they described as preliminary evidence .

  29. 提供了与发育阶段无关的位置效应在嫁接中具有作用的初步证据,提出了位置信息记忆的概念。

    Preliminary evidence was obtained to prove the action of the position effect which has no relation to developmental phase on the grafts . A concept of positional information memory was proposed .

  30. 然而,请注意,人类是不可能不犯错,因此,人们都会犯错误的事实不是他们已经犯了一个错误的初步证据的证明。

    Please note , howeer , that human beings are not infallible , so the fact that people can make mistakes is not prima facie eidence that they hae made a mistake .