
  1. 一般情况下,日本的计算机很可能没有您喜欢的英语书法字体。

    Common sense suggests that a Japanese computer probably won 't have that odd English handwriting font you just fell in love with .

  2. 在地铁投入使用后,采用访谈法、调查问卷法和可用性测试与评价法对站名书法字体进行使用后评价。

    After the subway comes into services , evaluation is carried out on the calligraphic fonts through interview method , questionnaires , feasibility test and evaluation method .

  3. 通过寻求和探讨书法字体的笔画、结构、字距、行间以及编排等的艺术规律,用以指导平面设计。

    By seeking and strokes of Chinese calligraphy fonts , structure , kerning , and so on between the lines and the artistic arrangement of the law to guide the graphic design .

  4. 在现代视觉传达设计中,汉字字体的类型主要有常用的印刷字体、书法字体、手写字体和艺术字体四种形式。

    In the modern visual communication design , fonts , as an important element , have four forms : the commonly printed fonts , the art of calligraphy , art font and graphic creation of font .

  5. 书法:书写字体的艺术。

    Calligraphy : Art of handwriting or script drawing .

  6. 构成人物的笔划与汉字“京”十分相象,用优美的中国传统书法的独特字体写成,它代表主办城市

    " The figure strokes resemble the Chinese character " Jing " drawn in graceful Chinese calligraphy of a unique style , which stands for the name of the host city "

  7. 有识之士呼吁应重视传统字体,尤其楷书书法及雕版印刷字体。

    Some experts are calling for more attention on the traditional character typeface especially Kaishu and the Woodblockprint typeface .

  8. 上古书法史伊始,伴随着文字的产生,书法与字体的演进衍生开来。

    Ancient calligraphy history beginning , accompanied by text generation , calligraphy and character evolution derived from .

  9. 现代汉字标志设计中书法笔触的应用屡见不鲜,文章从汉字书法和笔触的角度,分析中国各种书法字体和笔触的特点,探讨了这些设计元素在汉字标志设计中被更好地应用的可能。

    The application of the brush stroke in Chinese calligraphy is of common occurrence in the design of modern Chinese character symbol , The article mainly discusses the possibility of better use of Chinese calligraphy brush stroke in the design of modern Chinese characters symbol .