
  • 网络calligraphy theory
  1. 论阮元的书法理论及其碑学成就

    On Calligraphy Theory & Stele Study Achievement of Ruan Yuan

  2. 文学方面可以汉赋为代表,音乐方面汉武帝对音乐的改造是全面的,而绘画理论、书法理论中已有形神相关的理论与创作实践。

    Literature can be represented by Han , Han music is a comprehensive transformation of the music , and painting theory , calligraphy theory of spirit has been related to physical theory and creative practice .

  3. 朱熹理学思想对书法理论的影响

    The Influence of ZHU Xi 's Rationalism Upon the Calligraphical Theory

  4. 第二是他们在书法理论方面的贡献。

    The second lies in their remarks on calligraphy .

  5. 《说文解字》在一定程度上揭示了书法理论;

    " SHUO WEN JIE ZI " can reveal the written theory in some degree ;

  6. 书法理论惯于向汉字理论中寻根;

    The written theory is used to looking for the source from the theory of Chinese-character ;

  7. 曾熙在教育弟子的过程中,有很多书法理论值得我们去研究。

    In the process of Zeng Xi teaching his disciples , there were many calligraphy theories worthy of study .

  8. 《说文解字》所阐述的汉字理论影响并制约着书法理论。2.书法理论惯于向汉字理论中寻根;

    The written theory of " SHUO WEN JIE ZI " is deeply affected and restricted by the Chinese character theory .

  9. 王羲之的书法理论与实践,使汉字通过毛笔书写走上了今体书写科学的巅峰。

    The theory and practice of Wang Xizhi 's calligraphy leads Chinese Character Writing to the top of the modern script .

  10. 文章正文先对敦煌书法理论的衍变做了系统阐释,并简单介绍了各时期有代表性的书法理论著作,以时代顺序和风格特点对敦煌书法进行分期。

    The body of the article first systematic explanation of Evolving Theory of Dunhuang calligraphy , and a brief introduction to each period representative calligraphy theoretical writings , Dunhuang calligraphy staging the order of the times and style features .

  11. 同时阐述日本书法理论界与收藏界对怀素《自叙帖》流日残卷的考据和研究,进一步探究怀素及其草书艺术在日本的传播和影响。

    At the same time , Japanese calligraphy theorists and collectors study further on the Huai Su " Zixu posts " Fragments in Japan , to explore the spread and impact of Huai Su and his cursive art in Japan .

  12. 他虽然没有系统的书法理论专著,但是,作为宋代尚意书法的主要倡导者和中流砥柱,他的书法思想不但左右了当时书坛的主流风向,而且对后世的书法产生了深远的影响。

    A main leader and the pillar of advocating ' Shangyi Calligraphy ' as he is , though without any systematic theoretical monographs on calligraphy , Su Shi drived the mainstream direction in the field and had a great impact on the handwriting of the future generation .

  13. 它首先转化为艺术形神理论,主要包括音乐形神理论、绘画形神理论和书法形神理论。

    It first transform into art appearance-spirit theory , including mainly music appearance-spirit theory , fine arts appearance-spirit theory and penmanship appearance-spirit theory .

  14. 汉字楷书中最难的是结构,而传统书法结构理论过于复杂、抽象,初学者难以入门。

    As far as the regular script is concerned , the structure is the most difficult , difficult , The traditional theories on Chinese characters ' structure are so complex and so abstract that it 's difficult for beginners to master .

  15. 近三十几年,书法创作、理论、教育均得到极大发展,作为书法作品重要展示方式的展览也得到长足发展。

    The last thirty years , the calligraphy creation , theory , education , as important ways of display of calligraphy of exhibition , have being also developed .

  16. 石涛的艺术影响深远,他的书法成就为理论与绘画之名所掩。

    Shi Tao exerts great and far-reaching influence on the development of art , but his achievements in calligraphy are somewhat overlooked for his fame in theory and painting .

  17. 然无论是书法学习者还是理论研究者,大都是将二者当作两种不同的审美类型来区别对待。

    But whether calligraphy learners or theory researchers , will both as two different aesthetic type to differentiate between .

  18. 在此基础上发展起来的艺术管理学,对组织领导、策划、监督、控制等组织管理要素之间的关系有深入的阐述,均可给予书法展示活动以理论上的支撑。

    Based on this , the art management has in-depth description for the relationship about organization management elements between the leadership , planning , supervision and control , which would give the theoretical support to the calligraphy exhibition activities .

  19. 在当代社会经济一体化的今天,无论是书法创作者,还是书法理论批评者,都经常受到一些功利性因素的影响,从而,迷失创作方向和批评、审美标准。

    In the contemporary social economic integration of today , Whether calligraphy creator , or calligraphy theory critic , is often affected by some factors which influence the utility so as to lost creation direction , criticism , and aesthetic standards .

  20. 内容提要:黄庭坚作为一位宋代文人书法艺术家,他在诗词、书法艺术和理论等多个领域都有极深的造诣。

    Content : HuangTingjian , as a literati calligraphy artist , he had a deep attainments in the fields of poetry , calligraphy art and theory , etc. .

  21. 在长期的书法传授中,古人形成了书法的学序理论。

    In the long procedure of teaching , the theory of practice order founded .

  22. 他的书法美学思想启迪和影响了之后的书法美学理论和书法创作实践。

    His aesthetics ideology in calligraphy enlightens and influences the following aesthetics theory of calligraphy and their creative practice in calligraphy .

  23. 研究者探讨了对中国传统书法审美研究的过程中,引进西方审美心理学理论的意义和可行性问题,认为应该以中国传统书法理论为根本,与西方理论进行对接。

    The researcher discusses the feasibility and the value of introducing the western aesthetic psychological theories into the aesthetic research of Chinese traditional calligraphy . The researcher believes that there must have a way only when insist the take the traditional calligraphy culture as the root .

  24. 文章探讨了师范学校书法教学中的六个误区:目标定位,各行其事;忽视书法理论教学;

    This article has discussed six mistaken ideas in calligraphy teaching in normal schools .

  25. 书法审美素质的培养,要贯穿于书写技能的训练中,要适当讲授一些书法理论,要与其他艺术门类进行比较研究。

    We should run through the calligraphy 's aesthetic quality cultivation , teach some propriety calligraphy theory and go on comparing studying in the other arts during the calligraphy 's aesthetic quality cultivation .

  26. 在书法艺术表现的各个层面上,无不渗透和贯穿着矛盾规律。认真领会并合理运用这一规律,对理解书法艺术、指导书法实践、提高书法理论水平,都有着十分重要的意义。

    Conscientious comprehending and rational utilizing this law can be of great importance to the understanding of calligraphy art , instructing calligraphy practice and raising the theoretical level of calligraphy .