
shū mù
  • bibliography;booklist;book list;title catalogue;bibliographica
书目 [shū mù]
  • [book list] 图书目录

  • 新书书目

书目[shū mù]
  1. 针对ILASⅡ2.0Web书目模糊查询所存在的问题,利用微软ASP。

    This Paper focus on the problems existing in ILAS ⅱ 2.0 Web booklist fuzzy query system , and introduces the redeveloping of the system with ASP .

  2. 论书目数据质量控制

    RECORD OF SCULPTURE CONSIDERING On the Quality Control of Booklist Data

  3. 每一章都附有参考书目,引用文献近至2004年。

    Each chapter is referenced , citing literature up to 2004 .

  4. 这几本书亟须列入最受读者喜爱的书目之中。

    These books scream out to be included in a list of favourites .

  5. 每一章的后面都有一组参考书目。

    There is a list of references at the end of each chapter .

  6. 指定阅读书目之一是简·奥斯汀的《爱玛》。

    One of the set books is Jane Austen 's Emma .

  7. 本章末尾列有一份有用的精选书目。

    At the end of this chapter there is a select bibliography of useful books .

  8. 书后附有一份有用的参考书目。

    There is a useful bibliography at the end of the book .

  9. 小贴士2:帮助你的孩子养成良好的阅读习惯也很重要。帮助他记录下夏季阅读的书目吧。

    TIP 2 : It , s also important to help your kid develop good reading habits Help him keep a good record of his summer reading .

  10. 注册时你会收到一份阅读书目。

    You will be given a reading list at enrollment .

  11. 对于书目和网址来说,整洁的笔记特别有价值。

    Neat notes especially count for bibliographic information and URLs .

  12. 看到书目下的注圣安妮。

    See the bibliographical note under St Anne .

  13. 伍尔芙写道,翻看二手书让你有机会邂逅那些图书管理员和书商没有注意到的书,他们在选择书目时通常都比二手书店老板挑剔得多。

    According to Woolf , browsing through used books gives you the chance to stumble upon something that wouldn 't have risen to the attention of librarians and booksellers , who are often much more selective in curating their collections than secondhand bookstore owners . 4 .

  14. 基于Web方式的高校图书馆导读书目体系的实现

    Implementation of Web-based Undergraduate Reading-navigation System in University Library

  15. NET技术进行了系统的二次开发,从而实现网上书目模糊查询。

    NET technology to implement on - line booklist fuzzy query .

  16. 这个系列丛书的许多作者现在都是IBMRational的雇员,其中一些书目讨论了特定的Rational产品。

    Many of the series'authors are current IBM Rational employees , and some books discuss specific Rational products .

  17. 基于ASP技术的小型图书馆书目查询系统构建

    Construct a Bibliographic Retrieval System Base on ASP Technology for Small-size Libraries

  18. NET的网上图书荐购系统的设计与实现技术,对系统的功能模型与数据库结构进行了分析,对书目的查询及书目的倒入等关键技术作了详细的阐述。

    NET . The function model and database structure of the system are analyzed . The implementation technology about the bibliography importing and inquiring is discussed detailedly .

  19. 系统要整合的主要内容有:书目数据库、标题/文摘数据库、全文数据库、电子期刊和电子图书、相关的WEB网站等。

    The main resource integration of system includes : bibliography database , title / abstract database , full text database , electronic journals , e-books , corresponding WEB website and so on .

  20. OPAC书目检索系统用户接口规范化的探讨

    Exploration of the User Interface Criteria of OPAC Bibliographic Retrieval System

  21. 除了本文给出的参考书目外,还有一些非常好的信息来源,它们详细阐述了Linux与某个特定操作系统之间的差别。

    In addition to the references in this article , there are some excellent sources of information providing lots of details about the differences of particular operating systems and Linux .

  22. 本文针对目前广泛存在于各图书馆自动化系统中大量的MARC格式的书目数据,研究了基于XMLSCHEMA的MARC元数据描述技术,并重点解决了基于XMLSCHEMA的MARC元数据描述问题。

    In this paper , considering the large amount of MARC data in numerous library systems , we present the MARC metadata description approach based on XML Schema .

  23. 在系统设计和实践过程中,作了一些较深入的研究和探讨工作:针对图书馆的书目信息管理系统和多种电子资源库,构造基于WebServices架构的接口;

    In the process of designing system and practicing , it researches and explores very deeply . Firstly , in the light of catalogue information management system and kinds of electronic database , an interface is constructed based on Web Services Architecture ;

  24. CALIS联合目录西文书目数据丛编著录的质量分析

    Quality Analysis on Series Statements / Series Added Entries Description of Western Languages Bibliographic Records of CALIS Union-Catalog Database

  25. 这个医生名单公布,作为消费者的参考书目来源的ASSR。

    This list of physicians is published by ASSR as a reference source for consumers .

  26. 分析了图书供应商向图书馆免费提供MARC书目数据中存在的著录问题,并提出了相应的对策及建议。

    The essay analyzes the problem of bibliographic description when the books providing businesses offer the MARC bibliographic data to the libraries freely , and advises some relevant suggestion .

  27. OPAC即联机公共书目查询系统,是利用计算机终端来查询馆藏数据资源的一种现代化检索系统。

    Online Public Access Catalogue ( OPAC ) is a modern retrieval system , which searches for collections with the computer terminal .

  28. 通过对《计算机文档国际标准书目著录》即ISBD(CF)的介绍分析,论述了计算机磁盘、光盘的著录特点。

    This article introduces the character of cataloging the computer floppy disk and optical disk by using of ISBD ( CF ) .

  29. 对OPAC研究中所提出的改进建议进行了评述,归纳出三种方法:增加主题检索途径,改进书目记录,如增补目次和书后索引再结合自动截断等;

    Three improved methods are drawn from OPAC studies in the paper : ( 1 ) Some subject search approaches are added for enhancement of bibliographic records ;

  30. 由于多卷书自身的特点及复杂性,在采用CNMARC格式进行机编著录时会产生许多问题,从而会影响书目资源的共享。

    Due to the character and complexity of multi-volume book , it would cause many problems when using the format of CNMARC to excerpt , thereby influence that the book list resource to be shared .