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yùn shì
  • literary or artistic pursuits, often with pretense to good taste and refinement;romantic affair
韵事 [yùn shì]
  • [romantic affair] 风雅的事,旧时多指文人名士吟诗作画等活动

  • 这斗草之戏,虽是我们闺阁中一件韵事。--《镜花缘》

韵事[yùn shì]
  1. 剑桥是这个早先一代间谍的的老窝。SerenaFrome(与”plume”押韵,给读者一带而过,没有别的意思。)在剑桥的最后一年,和一个老头之间有段韵事,老头协助招募她,使她成了一位初级间谍。

    In her final year at Cambridge - nest of an earlier generation of spies - Serena Frome ( rhymes with " plume , " the reader is swiftly told , for no discernible reason ) has an affair with an older man , who helps recruit her to become a junior spy .

  2. 他总是隐瞒他的恋爱韵事。

    He has always kept his love affairs cloaked in secrecy .

  3. 唉,他在这里做梦也想不到会有这样韵事。

    Why , he would never have dreamed of such a thing in here .

  4. 不过今年的“光棍节”韵事来得比往年早些。

    But this year , colleges seem to be buzzing with romance a bit earlier than usual .

  5. 嗬!我思忖道,我倒是听说过一见钟情的事情,但目前这桩韵事却是千古奇闻!

    Well ! Thought I , I have heard of love at first sight , but this beats all !

  6. 20年的韵事使女人变成一片废墟,20年的婚姻使女人变成一座公共建筑。

    Twenty years of romance make a woman look like a ruin ; but twenty years of marriage make her look like a public building .