
yùn tóu
  • Rhyme;head vowel, any of the three vowels , and in certain compound vowels, as in
韵头 [yùn tóu]
  • [head vowel, any of the three vowels i,u and üin certain compound vowels, as i in iang] 介音。是介于主要元音与声母之间的高元音

韵头[yùn tóu]
  1. 尽管口误的主要类型存在于汉语中,但汉语韵头i,u与口误的关系,声调与口误的关系却是汉语口误所特有的。

    Although the major types of the slips are all found in the Chinese slips , the relationships between the slips , and the Chinese medials and the tones are special .