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yùn wèi
  • lasting appeal;lingering charm;aroma
韵味 [yùn wèi]
  • (1) [lasting appeal]∶含蓄的意味

  • (2) [aroma]∶情趣风味

  • 止得一个太守在面前唯喏趋承,心中虽是喜欢,觉得没些韵味。--《初刻拍案惊奇》

韵味[yùn wèi]
  1. 古代诗歌韵味论

    Lingering Charm Theory of Ancient Chinese Poems

  2. 音乐录制时的声场因素对民乐韵味感的影响在演奏现场录制的音乐。

    The influence of sound field on the lingering charm of traditional music when recording music ;

  3. 她的画作带有质朴、空灵的韵味。

    Her paintings have a naive , dreamlike quality .

  4. 一点淡妆反而增添了她五官的古典韵味。

    Her sparing use of make-up only seemed to enhance her classically beautiful features

  5. 她的唱腔很有韵味。

    Her singing has a special pleasing quality about it .

  6. 我没有完整地看过《猫》,但却一次又一次细细的体味着CD中的韵味。

    I do not have the integrity to look at " Cat ", but time and time again I 'm appreciating the CD flavor actually .

  7. 他正统的嗓音似乎更适合传统音乐,而与Disclosure的合作却为他的声音增添了一丝现代韵味。

    His voice has a traditional sound and lends itself well to old standards . But pairing up with Disclosure added a contemporary edge to his voice .

  8. 剔除掉商业街的韵味或许会让整个区域成为一座阿尔法城(alphaville)徒有其表,却无真正的都市活力。

    That removal of commercial street life might cause this to become an Alphaville , with the appearance but not the vitality of genuine urbanity .

  9. 他的剧作含蓄蕴藉,韵味无穷,富含浓郁的诗情。

    His play has endless charm , is implicit and poetry-rich .

  10. 口感精致、细腻,韵味绵长。

    Fruit taste is so delicacy and the aftertaste is bettrt .

  11. 其作品浓郁的抒情韵味和哲理色彩,上接叶圣陶早期的童话创作,下启新时期抒情派童话,代表了中国童话作品的一种形态。

    His works stands for a type of fairy tales in China .

  12. 精致轻巧的塑料制品,别具韵味。

    The delicate and handy plastic products have special appeal .

  13. 他的小说语言独具特色,具有深厚的韵味。

    Unique language of his novels has a profound flavor .

  14. 他试图给他的剧本注入一种特殊的抒情韵味。

    He tries to bring into his plays a special lyrical quality .

  15. 色泽是明亮的带有活力青葱韵味的浅草色。

    Brilliant light green straw with a vibrant green hue .

  16. 正确把握作品的韵味,是演唱者完成声乐作品的关键。

    The key of singing successfully is grasping the lasting appeal of songs .

  17. 这些字迹具有一种别有韵味的挥洒自如,充满了活力。

    The script has a refreshing spontaneity and sparkle .

  18. 一层一层的雾非常有韵味,曝光过了一点。

    A layer of fog is a charm , a little exposure too .

  19. 在设计上充分体现了中国传统文化韵味。

    This design well expressed the traditional Chinese culture .

  20. 谈电视读报节目的文化韵味

    On Cultural Appeal of Newspaper Reading Program on TV

  21. 第二,怀旧的感伤平添日常生活的韵味和情调;

    The second , emotion of remembering past times make everyday life sentimental ;

  22. 传统纸伞,别有韵味。

    Traditional paper umbrellas have distinctive and pleasing quality .

  23. 在精致和优雅中蕴含着时尚韵味。

    It contains fashion flavor between delicacy and grace .

  24. 这些歌曲具有着别样的韵味,唐诗的格律美和意境美深显其中。

    Such kind of songs possess special aroma with metrical beauty and imagery fantasy .

  25. 它似乎平淡,却韵味无穷。

    It seems plain , but lasting appeal .

  26. 有了水阁,乌镇的风貌更有韵味;

    With Shuige , Wuzhen style more flavor ;

  27. 随着社会的发展,读者对于翻译作品的期待发生了变化,大多数读者希望欣赏到外国文学特有的韵味,领略异国情调。

    With the development of society , interests and expectations of readers are changing .

  28. 品酒,无论是古今中外,都是一件极其讲求韵味的事情。

    Throughout human history , wine tasting has been a practice of delicate charm .

  29. 具有浓郁的东北乡土风格韵味和强烈的生活气息,这部分对小调的体裁进行了分类,然后逐类分述。

    Northeast has a strong local color charm , and a strong flavor of life .

  30. 古典的醇厚与雅致,在文化的积淀中升发出亘古的韵味。

    The classical fragrant and elegance raise its remote taste in the deposition of culture .