
yùn wén
  • verse;poem;metric;literary composition in rhyme
韵文 [yùn wén]
  • [literary composition in rhyme] 讲究韵律的文学体裁,用韵律格式写成的文章

韵文[yùn wén]
  1. 中国韵文文体演变中新旧诸体的相济共存乃是一种客观存在的文学现象。

    It is an objective literature phenomenon that the various styles of Chinese literary composition in rhyme , old and new , existed simultaneously in their development .

  2. 诸体的相济共存对韵文新文体的形成与完善,旧文体的重构与复兴,乃至韵文艺术的长期积淀与提升,都有着十分重要的促进意义。

    This coexistence is of great significance to form and perfect the new style , to reconstruct of the old style , and to promote the literary composition in rhyme in the long run .

  3. 这些剧本以韵文写成。

    The plays are in rhyme .

  4. 古典希腊戏剧以韵文写成,通常用词讲究、结构整齐。

    Classic Greek drama was written in verse , usually in an elevated and formal style .

  5. 事实上,这个剧本是用韵文写的。

    In fact , the play was written in verse .

  6. 这剧本大部分是用韵文写的,不过有一些是用散文。

    Most of the play is written in verse , but some of it is in prose .

  7. n.诗,诗篇;韵文他的一套诗集刚刚出版。

    verse A collection of his verse has just been published .

  8. 早在19世纪中期,JohnHughlingsJackson就注意到,有些不能构建新话语的失语症患者却能流利地背诵韵文、祷文和日常寒暄语。

    As far back as in the middle of the 19th century , John Hughlings Jackson noticed that some aphasics who could not produce novel utterances were nonetheless able to recite , in a fluent manner , rhymes , prayers and routine greetings .

  9. 会读诵水果韵文,并复习颜色的单字。

    Being able to chant fruits and review vocabularies of colors .

  10. 诗歌开始的篇章;开头的韵文。

    The beginning canto of the poem ; the first verse .

  11. (韵文)行与行之间没有修辞停顿。

    ( verse ) without a rhetorical pause between lines .

  12. 吠陀祭礼所使用的咒语韵文是大家所知的咒语。

    Sanskrit verses used in the Vedic sacrifice are known as mantras .

  13. 民间韵文启动律与韵文文体演变

    The Start-up Law of Folk Verses and Their Stylistic Development

  14. 诗既是散文,又是韵文。&弗罗斯特

    Poetry is both prose and verse . & Robert Frost

  15. 我要除去韵文,再以散文的形式来写

    These numBers will I tear , and write in prose

  16. 中国韵文礼节之用概论

    A Survey of Chinese Verse Being Used in Ceremony

  17. 他用散文和韵文来记录他的感情。

    He recorded his emotions in prose and verse .

  18. 他的书有许多地方是用韵文写的。

    His book was in parts written in verse .

  19. 试论韵文研究中的韵离合公式和t检验法

    T-test and the Rhyme-Proximity Index on the Phonology Research

  20. 能听懂简易歌谣和韵文的主要内容。

    Being able to understand the main contents of simple songs and rhymes .

  21. 中国韵文当代价值概论

    On the contemporary value of the ancient Chinese verses

  22. 使用诗歌韵文影象生字。

    I use rhymes to remember new English words .

  23. 一首韵文有几个版本。

    There were several versions of a verse .

  24. (韵文)每一行的结束都有修辞停顿。

    ( verse ) having a rhetorical pause at the end of each line .

  25. 能辨识故事,韵文和歌谣中的常用字词。

    Being able to identify common words in stories , rhymes , and songs .

  26. 让学生扮演成录音机的角色,来练习韵文。

    Students be tape recorders to practice chant .

  27. 她过去常用韵文写剧本。

    She used to write plays in verse .

  28. 由两行互相押韵的含有五个抑扬音步的诗句组成的韵文单位。

    Heroic couplet refers to two lines of iambic pentameter rhyming with each other .

  29. 并非所有的韵文都是伟大的诗篇。

    Not all verse is great poetry .

  30. 这故事是用韵文讲的。

    The story is told in rhyme .