
yùn wěi
  • Rhyme tail;tail vowel, the terminal sound of certain compound vowels, as in , in
韵尾 [yùn wěi]
  • [tail vowel, the terminal sound(vowel or nasal consonant)of certain compound vowels, as oin ao,nginiang] 指韵母的收尾 部分,例如韵母 ai、 ei 的i

韵尾[yùn wěi]
  1. 论文是一项关于北方话鼻韵尾变异的社会语言学研究。

    This thesis is a sociolinguistic study of Mandarin nasal variation .

  2. 英汉音节鼻韵尾的不同性质

    The Different Nature of Syllable final Nasals in English and Chinese

  3. 广东粤语的鼻音韵尾和入声韵尾

    On Nasal Endings and Entering Endings of Cantonese in Guangdong

  4. 实验结果表明,与鼻韵尾脱落有关的因素有:(1)鼻韵尾之后的音节的声母发音方法;

    The result shows that three factors are related to nasal coda losing .

  5. 读后鼻辅音韵尾的汉字在日语中的音读

    Electronic Nose The pronunciation of - ng the ending Chinese Characters in Japanese

  6. 在入声字失落韵尾的过程中,频率和位置起到了重要作用。

    In the course of missing terminal vowels , frequency and position play an important part .

  7. 汉语辅音韵尾有的对应朝鲜语第二音节声母;

    The consonant ending in Ancient Chinese corresponds with the initial of the second syllable in Korean .

  8. 汉语南方方言入声韵尾的类型及其演变

    Types and Evolution of the Tail Consonants of the Entering Tone of the Southern Dialects in Chinese

  9. 从宋元时期用韵材料看吴语中的-n、-η韵尾相押

    A Study of - n and - η Rhymes in Wu Dialect during the Song and Yuan Dynasties

  10. 直到中古汉语时期,传入日语的入声韵的韵尾才出现了各种表记方式。

    Until the Middle Chinese , the incoming Japanese entering tone rhyme endings to occur in various tag mode .

  11. 单音节词音高总体说来可以分成两类:降调和平调,以降调为主,因韵尾不同而有差异。

    The pitch of monosyllable word mainly includes two kinds , that is , falling tone and level tone .

  12. 然后,韵尾塞音进一步弱化,只剩下音节后的紧喉动作;

    And the sweet tone end plosive is weakened again , only leave the action of closing throat behind syllabes .

  13. 文章认为现代汉语各方言不同的韵尾辅音多数是中古汉语韵尾辅音由于历时磨损而引起的非口腔化的结果。

    This paper argues that coda consonants of different dialects result largely from debuccalization of those of the Middle Chinese .

  14. 韵部结构有两种类型:一种是不分枝结构的韵部,即在韵部只有韵核,没有韵尾;

    There are two types of rime structure : the non-branching rime , which consists of the nuclear without the coda ;

  15. 古缅语长短元音是一种历史语音现象,产生的前提在于语音系统内部发展的不平衡,韵尾的不同导致韵腹元音松紧特征的不同,进而产生了松紧元音。

    Being a historical phenomenon of phonetics , the long and short vowels of ancient Burmese originated from the lax and tense vowels .

  16. 日本政府公布的《常用汉字表》中读后鼻辅音韵尾的汉字共333个。

    There are 333 - ng ending Chinese Characters in the Table of Chinese Character Most in Use which was issued by Japanese government .

  17. 中古汉语时期,入声韵尾得以在日语音系中体现,从而实现了入声韵的完全吸收,促进了日语促音的形成。

    Middle Chinese , entering endings to Japanese phonology of embodiment , thus realizing the entering tones completely absorbed , promoted Japanese promote tone formation .

  18. [a][]二系内部的不同阳声韵尾大量归并,反映通语语音由中古向近代过程中的简化规律。

    Different terminal vowel mixed greatly in the [ a ] [ ] , reflected the process of pronunciation from the Middle Ages to the modern .

  19. 豫北晋语阳声韵尾消变的顺序跟普遍的汉语方言韵尾消变的顺序和趋势是一致的。

    The change in the positive rhyme of the Jin dialect in north Henan dialect is in agreement with change of the ending rhyme in popular Chinese dialect .

  20. 上古汉语时期,入声韵就已传入日语,不过那时对入声韵尾的处理是简单的截取,即以不表记的方式吸收。

    Ancient Chinese , Japanese entering tone rhyme had passed , but at the time of entering endings processing is simple interception , i.e. to not sign way of absorbing .

  21. 研究结果表明,在清塞音持阻时长上,学习者被试与母语被试之间未见显著性差异,表示粤方言的入声韵尾并未对日语清塞音习得造成影响。

    Results show that no difference was found between the Cantonese-speaking learners and the Japanese native speakers in their articulation of the voiceless stop while differences existed where the voiced stop was involved .

  22. 依据这些发现论文得出,鼻韵尾变异作为一项进行中的变化,它的演变速度开始缓慢下来,包头言语社区结构随着社会结构的变化也出现向分层模式发展的端倪。

    On these discoveries the thesis then gets , nasal variation as a change in progress slows down its speed in evolvement and the structure of Baotou speech community shows a direction toward stratification model .

  23. 关于鼻韵尾脱落,前人的研究表明鼻韵尾脱落与两个因素有关:(1)鼻尾的时长越短越容易脱落;

    It is well known that two factors play an important , role for the phenomenon of nasal coda losing : ( 1 ) The shorter the duration of nasal consonant the easier the nasal coda will lose ;