  • late;ease and comfort
  • a surname
  • 迟,晚:~起。~驾。

  • 天清无云:天清日~。

  • 鲜艳。

  • 同“宴”

  • 安定,安乐:~宁~处(chù)(安然处之)。~安。~然。

  • 〔~~〕温柔,和悦,如“言笑~~”。

  • 姓。

  1. 无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来。(晏殊《浣溪沙》)

    Flowers fall , do what one may ; | swallows return , no strangers they .

  2. 车夫把妻子对自己的批评一五一十地告诉了晏子。

    The coachman told Yan Zi his wife 's criticism in detail .

  3. 宰相晏子对他说:

    His prime minister Yan Zi said to him :

  4. 一天,楚王摆了酒席招待晏子。

    One day , the King of Chu gave a banquet for Yan Zi .

  5. 晏子站起来答道:

    Yan Zi stood up and replied :

  6. 一天,晏子坐着马车外出。一位车夫为他赶车。

    One day , Yan Zi went out in a carriage driven by his coachman .

  7. 齐景公对晏子的说法不理解。

    The king could not understand him .

  8. 灵公命令官吏按照晏子的话去办。

    Ling Gong ordered his officials to do according to what Yan Zi had said .

  9. 晏子是春秋时期齐国有名的相国。

    Yan Zi was a famous prime minister of the State of Qi during the Spring and Autumn Period 。

  10. 齐景公和晏子探讨治国才略。

    Duke Jing of the state of Qi discussed the general plans to govern the country with Yan Zi .

  11. 车夫的妻子从来没有见过晏子,很想看看。

    The coachman 's wife had never seen Yan Zi before and wished to have a look at him .

  12. 晏子看到车夫变化很大,不知为什么,就询问车夫。

    Yan Zi noticed the big change in the coachman 's behavior and couldn 't understand why . So he asked the coachman .

  13. 她就从门缝中偷偷地观看:“呵,晏子出来了!”她得到的印象是,晏子身为齐国相国,但是言谈举止显得非常谦虚。

    She peeped from behind the door . " Ah , here comes Yan Zi ! " She got the impression that though he was the prime minister of the State of Qi , he talked and behaved with great modesty1 .

  14. 刘晏财经管理思想的初步研究

    A Tentative Exploration on The Thought of Finacial Management of Liu Yan

  15. 很好,约了明天食晏。

    Okay . Great . ' Cause we 're having lunch tomorrow .

  16. 二晏在一些修辞手法的运用上也存在着相同与相异之处。

    Two Yan in some rhetorical practices also have many same points .

  17. 晏子的礼治思想在这部著作中得到充分体现。

    His thought of Confucian management is fully reflected in this work .

  18. 我们需要为他举办一个送别晚晏吗?

    Need we take a farewell party for him ?

  19. 但是,晏殊的出生地究竟在何处?

    But where is his birthplace at all ?

  20. 北宋太平宰相晏殊的诗学思想

    Prime Minister Yan Shu 's Thoughts on Poetics

  21. 修辞方面,晏殊词中的比喻取其形似方面。

    Rhetoric , Yan word metaphor taken shape .

  22. 晏殊是北宋初年词坛上最重要的词人,他对词坛的兴盛有带动之功。

    Yan Shu was the most important poet of the early Northern Song Dynasty .

  23. 晏子重礼而不墨守陈规,对继承、发展齐礼治文化做出了重要贡献。

    He makes great contribution to inheriting and developing the culture of Confucian management .

  24. 然而何晏的玄学思想相对粗糙,贵无而贱有,缺乏理论深度。

    However , his Neo-Taoism ideology was still so crude that it lacked theoretical depth .

  25. 晏殊词在北宋初期词坛上有其独特的贡献。

    Yan Shu had a distinctive contribution of Ci in the early Northern Song Dynasty .

  26. 楚王有意要当着晏子的面侮辱齐国。

    The King of Chu intended to humiliate the State of Qi toYan Zi 's face .

  27. “呼吸顺了,人生又是彩色的!”您的鼻子医师林晏君如是说。

    " Breathe well , live well !" by your nose doctor , Yen-chun Lin , MD.

  28. 她就从门缝中偷偷地观看:“呵,晏子出来了!”

    She peeped from behind the door . " Ah , here comes Yan Zi ! "

  29. 试论晏殊诗

    On the poems of Yan Shu

  30. 城市公园的地域文化与现代生活的契合&齐河晏子公园景观规划概念设计

    Harmony between urban park regional culture and modern life : landscape planning and designing on Yanzi park