
  • 网络rhythmical;Rhythm;Rhythmic
  1. 我个人认为,相对于视觉而言,手更能够觉察到雕塑线条的韵律感和其内在的微妙变化。

    I should think the wonderful rhythmical flow of lines and curves could be more subtly felt than seen .

  2. 艺术修养:通过体形的训练,培养韵律感、乐感,并体验舞台表演的神奇魅力。

    Artistic accomplishment : Through the training for bodily form , train the rhythmical image , music sense , experience the magical glamour of stage performance .

  3. 基本的韵律感和音高感是音乐教师的必备素质。

    A basic sense of rhythm and pitch is essential in a music teacher .

  4. 良好的韵律感是一种天赋。

    A good sense of rhythm is a natural endowment .

  5. 笔调清新,语言优美,韵律感强,是一篇不错的美文。

    Style fresh , beauty of language , metrical sense is strong , article is a good splendid text .

  6. 它语言简练,节奏明快,韵律感强,并以蕴含丰富的隐喻见长。

    With its terse language , sprightly rhythms and strong metres , Chinese ancient poetry is adroit at containing rich metaphors .

  7. 设计中是通过形体,颜色,在视觉上给人以韵律感,从视觉中感受设计中的情感。

    Design by shape , color , gives a visual rhythm , from the visual design in order to feel the emotion .

  8. 朝鲜民族舞蹈具有含蓄性律动特征、顿式和弹式律动特征,是最富有韵律感的民族舞蹈之一。

    As one of the most rhythmic ethnic dances , Korean dance is Characterized by its reserved , rhythmical and rebounding rhythms .

  9. 他如魔法般舞动的双腿和性感迷人的腰臀,有着神奇的非洲大陆与生俱来的韵律感。

    His magically dancing legs and sexy hip & waist originally came from the supranatural African land , which gave him instinctual rhythmicity .

  10. 因此动势很强,同时又具有很强的节奏感和韵律感,非常充分地表现出了雕刻对象的生机。

    So emfs is very strong , but also has a strong rhythm and metrical sense , very fully showing the carving of the object to life .

  11. 这一框架的具体展开更表明:一、感性直觉具有三个递相渗进的维度一一语言韵律感~语言直感一言语情味感;

    The unfolding of the new structure also shows that : First , the sensible intuition consists of three continued dimensions , i.e. the language-intuition-the sound-sense-the flavor sense .

  12. 即使不哼唱,仅仅是朗诵,这些童谣的韵律感亦可吸引孩子注意,尽管他们不理解只言片语。

    Even when the rhymes are spoken , not sung , they hold the baby 's attention and he will respond to their rhythm long before he understands words .

  13. 机场候机楼指廊选用单层柱面网壳,空间效果好,韵律感强,具有良好的效果。

    The single-layer cylinder latticed shell with the characteristics of good spatial effective , strong sense of rhythm and good performance is chosen for terminal lobby concourse . 2 .

  14. 该舞蹈纹样的舞者为四人手牵手排开,体现了舞蹈的动态感和韵律感。

    From the dancing-grained potsherd we can see that there are four persons who are hand in hand , which embodies the sense of moving and the sense of rhythm .

  15. 要获得韵律感、语言直感、言语情味感乃至存在意义上的生存语义感,首要的前提就是语体化语言的生成。

    Secondly , to acquire such three sensible intuitions , and to acquire the living meaning on the sense of being , the stylistic language must come into being firstly .

  16. 这些塔楼不仅利用其视觉上的厚重感将建筑物固定在地面上,还有助于生成这种开阔的内部空间和环境所需的严谨的韵律感。

    The towers , not only ground the buildings with their visual weight , but they also contribute to the rigor of rhythmic play needed in such expansive internal spaces and environment .

  17. 我有时也想知道,在感知雕塑品的艺术魅力方面,手是否真的比不上眼睛的敏锐。我个人认为,相对于视觉而言,手更能够觉察到雕塑线条的韵律感和其内在的微妙变化。

    I sometimes wonder if the hand is not more sensitive to the beauties of sculpture than the eye . I should think the wonderful rhythmical flow of lines and curves could be more subtly felt than seen .

  18. 通过若干建筑实例,从音乐所表现出的连续、渐变、起伏和交错等节奏感与韵律感,说明作为凝固音乐的城市建筑,给人一种强烈的空间音乐感和艺术的享受。

    Illustrated by some existing buildings , it is manifested that city architecture-the solidified music-shows the rhythm and cadence of continuity , gradual change , waving and overlapping , and therefore offers us the sense of artistic pleasure and enjoyment .

  19. 人性化家具设计原则是多样性与统一性相结合、比例关系与尺度标准相结合、节奏感与韵律感相结合、物理均衡与视觉非均衡相结合、模拟加工与仿生技术相结合等。

    The user-friendly furniture design principle is the combination of diversity and unity , the ratio between standards by a combination of rhythm and sense of rhythm , physical balance and visual non-balanced combination of analog processing and biomimetic technology combined .

  20. 培养学生的韵律节奏感,音乐视听能力以及想象能力和形象思维能力是提高学生音乐技能的重要途径。

    The important ways to improve students ' musical technique are to train the feelings of thyme and rhythm of students , the musical hearting ability imaginative ability and ability in thinking in images .

  21. 充满韵律和节奏感的海浪声给予我无限自由和平静的感觉。

    The rhythm of waves gave me such a sense of freedom and tranquility .

  22. 汉语诗歌进入现代“倾听”之境,方可获得其韵律的生命感。

    The life of the rhythm of Chinese poetry lies in the modem situation of listening .

  23. 舞蹈组合将集中于感受节奏韵律、平衡感、重力以及利用身体自身重量产生连贯动作等训练。

    Dance phrases will focus on further explorations into rhythm , balance , and weight , and using gravity to generate movement flow .

  24. 广告英语中各种修辞格的运用赋予广告语言形象生动、简洁幽默、新颖别致、富有韵律和节奏感等特点,充分展示了修辞格在广告英语语言中特有的魅力。

    The application of various rhetoric in advertising English has made the advertising English language precise , humorous , vivid , novel and rhythmic , which has fully displayed the particular charming characteristic in advertising English language .

  25. 父母可在孩子平常上下楼梯时,一层一层地数楼梯数目,或哼唱一些韵律性、节奏感强的儿歌。

    When walking up and down stairs , have your child count the number of steps or chant a nursery rhyme .

  26. 英国大诗人阿弗瑞德·丁尼生的诗以其“韵律整齐、音乐感强烈”而著称。

    A great English poet Alfred Tennysou 's poems are famous for the noticeable characteristics that they are neat in meter and rich in musical sensation .