
yìn shuā zì tǐ
  • printing
  1. 结合了印刷字体和手写体吗?

    A combination of printing and writing ?

  2. 首次梳理了两种主要印刷字体(宋体、楷体)的研究现状。

    Set up the research of two main printing fonts for the first time (" Songti "," Kaiti ") .

  3. 这本书印刷字体很清晰。

    This book has clear print .

  4. IBM标志的演变显示了该公司利用大写的印刷字体来树立权威,同时避免疏远大众。

    The graphic evolution of IBM logo shows that the company uses capitalized block lettering to establish authority without alienate its audience .

  5. 印刷字体识别在OCR系统中占有重要的地位。

    Printed font recognition plays an important role in OCR system .

  6. 那一年,我成立了库兹威尔计算机产品公司,来开发能识别所有印刷字体的第一代OCR程序。当年的晚些时候,我们成功了。

    I founded Kurzweil Compute Products that year to develop the first OCR program that could recognize any style of print , which we succeeded in doing later that year .

  7. 说到“渲染”,我不是说iPad的渲染比OSX的差,我是说相比较印刷字体(没有渲染),iPad的分辨率把一切变成了噩梦。

    By " rendering " I didn 't mean that the iPad renders worse than OSX , I meant that the iPad resolution is a bitch in comparison to print ( where there is no rendering ) .

  8. 要不是我当初在大学里偶然选了这么一门课,Macintosh计算机绝不会有那么多种印刷字体或间距安排合理的字号。要不是Windows照搬了Macintosh,个人电脑可能不会有这些字体和字号。

    If I had never dropped in on that single course in college , the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts , and since Windows just copied the Mac , it 's likely that no personal computer would have them .

  9. 基于纹理分析的印刷字体识别研究及应用

    Research and Application of Printed Font Recognition Based on Texture Analysis

  10. 印刷字体太小,我不带眼镜就看不清

    The print be too small for me to read without glasses

  11. 文件中的小号印刷字体可能藏有给粗心人设下的陷阱。

    Small print in documents can contain traps for the unwary .

  12. 没有眼睛,我看不见这么小的印刷字体。

    I can 't read small print without my glasses .

  13. 极小的印刷字体对视力有害。

    Very small print is bad for the eyes .

  14. 他常常久久地盯着那些黑色的印刷字体。

    He would often stare at the black print for a long time .

  15. 印刷字体手工写成的与普通铅字相似的互不相连的字体。

    Written characters not connected to one another and resembling those appearing in print .

  16. 我可能还从来没读过我存折上的这些很小的印刷字体。

    I guess I 've never read the fine print on my passbook before .

  17. 线框:印刷字体学的术语。指用线作框把字体围绕。

    Box : Typographical term meaning rules which enclosed type matter as a frame .

  18. 书写以类似于通常使用的印刷字体的写(东西)

    To write ( something ) in characters similar to those commonly used in print .

  19. 然后她蹲下来摸着那有印刷字体的纸张,好象它很容易碎。

    Then she squatted there , touching the printed page as if it were fragile .

  20. 黑体:印刷字体学的名词,指笔划较标准的字体为粗的字体。

    Bold : Typographic term for a heavier than standard weight of a type face .

  21. 大多数人一上了年纪,不戴眼镜就看不清细小的印刷字体。

    Most people can 't read small print without glasses when they get on in years .

  22. 光学文字识别机是扫描机的一种,它把打字字体或印刷字体转为数码资料。

    An OCR machine is a form of scanner which converts typed or printed text into digital data .

  23. 汉字印刷字体的评价指标和评价方法研究印刷汉字圆头细等线体简介

    Research on the evaluation indicator and method of Chinese printed type face method of Chinese printed type face

  24. 而且各种不同字体的整体特征大体相同,因此对混合印刷字体的识别率很高。

    Because of the similar global features of different typefaces , the method also has high recognition rate .

  25. 有识之士呼吁应重视传统字体,尤其楷书书法及雕版印刷字体。

    Some experts are calling for more attention on the traditional character typeface especially Kaishu and the Woodblockprint typeface .

  26. 作为字体设计的本源,汉字的发展、流变也就成为印刷字体设计最为重要的基础。

    As the base for type design , the development of Chinese character becomes the most important basis of type design .

  27. 本课程内容包括中外文印刷字体设计方法、文字视觉创意表现方法及各类文字设计训练。

    The contents of this course includes design means for Chinese and foreign printing fonts , visual expressive ways for fonts , and integrated training for fonts .

  28. 它不同于传统的书体,也不同于雕版印刷字体,它具有时代性的审美观和艺术特征。

    It is different from the traditional of the book , but also from block printing fonts , it has the times of the aesthetic and artistic features .

  29. 在对4种经常使用的朝鲜文印刷字体进行初步实验的结果表明,字母分割正确率平均达到了97.4%,而字母样本集识别率为99%以上。

    In a test case with machine printed Hanguls of 4 fonts , the proposed approach achieved 97.4 % of grapheme segmentation rate , and over 99 % of grapheme recognition rate .

  30. 衬线:在一些印刷字体的主要笔划两端的短横线。它本来是书写的起笔或收笔的笔势。

    Serif : The short cross - lines at the beginning and end of the main strokes of certain type faces . Originally , it is the beginning or finishing strokes of the pen .