
kuáng cǎo
  • a wild scribble;an excessively free cursive style;highly cursive script in Chinese calligraphy
狂草 [kuáng cǎo]
  • [highly cursive script in Chinese calligraphy] 草书的一种,笔势相连而圆转,字形狂放多变

狂草[kuáng cǎo]
  1. 在天空狂草着信息他已逝去,

    Scribbling on the sky the message ' He is Dead ' .

  2. 在狂草作品中,梁蓝波披离点划,以有形的书法传达著无形的精神。

    In the best of Leong 's work , the strokes of his brush reveal the invisible by means of the visible .

  3. 从甲骨文到竹简隶书到怀素的狂草,相同的字在历史演变中形式发生了那么多变化,而其本质承载的含义相比之下几乎是不变的。

    From oracles to clerical script to cursive writing , same character in its historic evolution changed its shape in various ways , but its rudimental meaning stay relatively unchanged .

  4. 然而,就算是在他那些最为“传统”的作品里,梁蓝波狂草的“狂性”仍然是他那激情和个性的引证。

    Yet even when he is in his most " traditional " mood , the " wild " cursive qualities of Leong 's calligraphic style bear witness to the questing passion at the heart of this artist 's individuality .

  5. 其书法创作成就主要在行书和草书两个方面,行书中内收外放的结构,狂草中动静相间的章法,体现了作者旷达而深沉的文人性格。

    Meanwhile , his achievements in calligraphy mostly appear in two aspects , running handwriting and cursive handwriting . The structure of running handwriting 's frapping inside and loosening outside and the orderly ways of connecting dynamic with static embody the author 's broad-minded and deep character .