
  • 网络sturm und drang;storm and stress;Sudden;German Sturmflut
  1. 他的作品受十八世纪启蒙运动和德国狂飙突进运动的影响,个性鲜明,较前人有了很大的发展。

    He works by18th-century Enlightenment and Germany Sturm und drang of the impact of distinct personality than their predecessors a great development .

  2. 从狂飙突进到古典的嬗变&歌德魏玛最初十年再认识

    Evolving from the Storm and Stress to Classicism : Reflections on Goethe 's First Ten-Year Life in Weimar

  3. 如同许多葡萄酒产区一样,里奥哈在上世纪最后十年经历了一段狂飙突进的时期。

    Like many wine regions , Rioja went through a rather convulsive final decade of the last century .

  4. 歌德一生的创作分为狂飙突进和古典两个时期。

    The literary creation of Goethe consists of two periods : the time of tantivy and the classical period ;

  5. 曼联上半场就狂飙突进,半小时之内就让比赛失去了悬念。

    The Reds ran riot in the first half , ending the game as a contest within half an hour .

  6. 然而,一路狂飙突进的中国艺术神话却突然在2009年世界经济危机全面爆发的大背景下崩塌。

    However , the advanced rapidly myth of Chinese art collapsed suddenly against the background of global economic crisis in2009 .

  7. 这段狂飙突进、此起彼伏的文化思想历程,实为中西文化思想史中之所罕见。

    This period of hurricane dash , violent cultural ideological course , actually in the history of Chinese and western culture are rare .

  8. 而对那些亲历过网络泡沫大起大落的人来说,不免会产生这样的疑问:这种狂飙突进何时会面临失控?

    And that would raise questions familiar to anyone who rode the boom-and-bust roller coaster during the dot-com years : when is a rally getting out of hand ?

  9. 承此,1980年代的报告文学狂飙突进,充分显示了高扬的理想、充沛的激情和批判的光芒,以至于很多人习惯于把80年代视为转型期报告文学蓬勃展开的象征或代名词。

    Thanks to this , the skyrocketing development of reportage in 1980s shows its lofty ideals , great enthusiasm , and sharp criticism so that 1980s is generally known as the symbol or by-word of prosperous development of the transitional reportage literature .