
  • 网络Enlightenment literature
  1. 《狮子吼》&近代启蒙文学的一次尝试

    The Roaring of Lions : an Attempt in Contemporary Enlightenment Literature

  2. 论1980年代启蒙文学之浮沉

    Study on the Climax and Retreat of Enlightenment Literature in 1980 's

  3. 在此推动下,启蒙文学创作迅速崛起,呈潮涌之势。

    With this , the creation of enlightening literature prospered .

  4. 20世纪80年代以来大众文化对启蒙文学的消解

    Enlightenment Literary Deconstruction of Popular Culture from 20th Century Since the 80 's

  5. 对法国启蒙文学中三个基本问题的认识

    On Three Basic Problems of French Enlightenment Literature

  6. 人性解放三部曲&论新时期启蒙文学思潮

    A Trilogy of Humanity Liberation & On the Enlightenment Trends in New Period Literature

  7. 论中国现代启蒙文学思潮的深层文化逻辑

    On the deep cultural logic of trends of thought in modern Chinese enlightening literature Culture

  8. 启蒙文学的困境

    Dilemma of the Enlightenment Literature

  9. 遗憾的是,两次启蒙文学都是昙花一现,未能为继。

    Unfortunately , the two times of Enlightenment Literature were both a flash , and waned soon .

  10. 笔者认为,启蒙文学始终注重意义和价值的追寻。

    The enlightenment literature has been attaching importance to the search for the significance and ideological values .

  11. 20世纪初叶中、韩、日启蒙文学的比较

    Comparison of the Early 20 ~ ( th ) Century 's Chinese , Japanese and Korean Enlightening Literature

  12. 首先介绍五四启蒙文学思潮对西方的借鉴和对20世纪中国文学思潮的开创性意义。

    First introduced the " May 4th " Western Enlightenment Literature on Reference and 20th Century Chinese Literature in the creative significance .

  13. 这种文学哲学化的创作理念和研究状态脱离了文学的本体,造成了启蒙文学日渐概念化和抽象化的倾向。

    The production principle and research reality of philosophical literary creation alienate from literary fundamentals and make literature a set of concepts or abstract notions .

  14. 救亡强国:20世纪初启蒙文学思想的逻辑起点

    Saving China as the very start of the enlightening thoughts of literature in the 20th century On the Philosophic Originality of LuXun 's Enlightenment Idea

  15. 在对五四启蒙文学自觉反省中,他站在农民的立场创作了大量为农民实利的文艺作品。

    During the self-introspection of the May-Four enlightenment culture , he wrote a number of works for pursuing the benefit of the peasants on their feet .

  16. 19世纪中后期,东亚各国先后受到近代西方文明的冲击,东亚文学由封建文学向近代文学转型,其转型的标志就是启蒙文学的出现。

    In the middle of the 19th century , the literature of the Eastern Asia shifted from the feudal to the modern which is symbolized by the emergence of the Enlighten literature .

  17. 梁启超以新民为核心的启蒙文学观的提出,标志着文学从此被赋予了深厚的启蒙内涵,成为了改良群治的最佳工具。

    Liang qichao " xinmin " as the core of enlightenment literature suggests that marks the literature since then endowed with profound connotation of enlightenment and became the improvement for the best tool .

  18. 卢梭的创作植根于启蒙文学的土壤,对启蒙文学中着力描写的自然人形象,他予以浓墨重彩的书写,并以新人形象的描绘表达了自己对自然人的新的理解与诠释。

    Rousseau plants his creation of root in the enlightenment literature , devoting every effort to the depiction of the " natural person ", and advocates his interpretation to it through vivid description of the " new person " .

  19. 本文主要是以80年代启蒙文学的高潮和渐退为研究对象,回顾过往,试图探寻其由盛转衰的深层原因,以及启蒙文学在经历了80年代的喧嚣之后的生存状况。

    This essay is to research the climax and retreat of enlightenment literature in 1980s , try to hold deep reason leading to the drift , and attempt to seek its existence state after going through " noisy " .

  20. 本文的最后一章试图从形式本体角度研究启蒙文学,从叙事、结构、语言等内部因素把握启蒙文学流变,以期为当前的文学创作提供镜鉴。

    To avoid this , the last chapter of this dissertation attempts to deal formally with the enlightenment literature , i.e. observing its evolution through the internal elements of narration , structure and language in order to provide a reflection for the contemporary literary production .

  21. 理性文学与文学理性&古典主义和启蒙主义文学的辨析和思考

    Rational literature and literary rationality

  22. 审美是文学理想态的本质,启蒙是文学现实态的任务,审美和启蒙依托于语言具体形态而得以实现。

    Aesthetic is ideal nature of literature . Enlightenment is practical task of literature . Aesthetic and enlightenment are realized by language .

  23. 第一是关于知识分子的自身特性问题,由于其坚守的立场不同,因而在启蒙主义文学中发挥了不同的作用;

    First , it 's about the characters of literati , who play different parts in the enlightenment literature because of the different positions they insist on .

  24. 本文认为,就“五四”时代而言,“启蒙主义文学思潮”是一个贯穿始终、并在发展过程中起着对多种多样观念进行整合的“总思潮”现象。

    This essay holds that , as far as the May-4th period is concerned , the trend of enlightening thoughts is a consistent , generalized and integralizing trend .

  25. 将40年代现代主义诗歌放置于20世纪上半叶启蒙主义文学文化思潮中,并从具体本文的角度来考察,启蒙理性便成为描述这种精神内涵的关键词。

    If we place the modernist poetry in the 1940s into the enlightenment development in the first half of the 20th century , this disposition is described as " Enlightening Rationalism " .

  26. 中国现代文学史实际上主要是由两个相继而生的文学思潮丰富和奠基起来的,一个是五四启蒙主义文学思潮,另一个是中国左翼文学思潮。

    The history of Chinese Contemporary Literature was enriched and based by two literature thoughts which were generated one after another : one was " May-Fourth " Enlightenment Literature , while the other one was Chinese Left-wing Literature .

  27. 这一创作新潮的出现既是“五四”启蒙主义文学精神的再生,同时也是建国以来重新确认知识分子角色的一个重大尝试。

    The appearance of the creation modish is not only the regeneration of literature spirit since the May Fourth Movement , but also a new try of reconfirming the role of the intellectuals since the foundation of the state .

  28. 五四启蒙运动与文学变革关系新论

    Some New Insights in the Relation between the May-Fourth Enlightenment Movement and Literature Evolution

  29. 唐甄是清初一位十分重要的启蒙思想家和文学家。

    Tang Zhen is a very important enlightening thinker and writer in the period of the early Qing Dynasty .

  30. 本文从如下五方面对此进行阐释:一、启蒙精神与文学启蒙;

    An attempt is made in this paper to elaborate these characteristics from five perspectives as follows : 1 . the enlightenment spirit and literary enlightenment ;