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  1. 启功先生的中国文化观和历史观

    Sir Qi-gong 's Views on Chinese Culture and History

  2. 海纳百川,有容乃大&启功先生与中国古典文献学

    Sir Qi - gong and Classical Chinese Bibliography

  3. 启功,当代著名书法家,满族,一九一二年生于北京。

    Qi gong , manchu , is the contemporary celebrated calligrapher who was born in Beijing in1912 .

  4. 朱彝尊家书,为唐长孺先生收藏,由启功先生题跋,具有重要的文献价值,却从未发表。

    Zhu Yi-zun 's letters home , collected by Tang Chang-ru and recently postscripted by Qi Gong in 1980 , have never been published , but are of important value as historical documents .

  5. 即使是咏史之作,启功所抒发的、所提出的观点也不过是人之常情。总之平易的风格有力地纠正了学者之诗的晦涩。

    Even for wing history , the expression of Qi Gong was " natural " as other people , To sum up , the style of plain effectively corrected the scholars of the obscure poem .

  6. 在技术方面,启功继续进行新的探索:(1)平易的风格。包括:一是语言上的平易,主要采用那些古今都在使用、比较好懂,在汉语中已经稳定下来的一些词汇。

    On the technical side , Qi Gong continued to explore new : ( 1 ) easy style , including : First : plain language , mainly those who are using ancient and modern , better understand , and some vocabulary has stabilized in the Chinese language .