
  • 网络Heuristic Rule;heuristics
  1. 其次,研究了Web中半结构化页面的视觉特征信息和基于视觉特征对页面分块的启发式规则。

    Second , research in the semi-structured web page information of visual features and some heuristic rules based on visual features to page block .

  2. 基于对相关Web数据源的实际观察,通过模仿用户的导航行为,在启发式规则的指导下学习如何获取结果页面。

    By observing related Web data sources , simulating user 's navigation behaviors , studying how to fetch result pages in demand under the guidance of heuristic rules .

  3. 基于GA和机器学习的启发式规则调度方法

    GA and Machine-learning Based Heuristic Scheduling Method

  4. 一种混合GA、SA和启发式规则的FMS调度方法

    GA , SA and RB / KB Based Hybrid Method in FMS Scheduling

  5. 基于Cookie技术和启发式规则的用户识别算法

    User Identification Algorithm based on Cookie technology and heuristic rule

  6. 本文介绍了连续双边谈判模型中Agent所使用的议价策略,该策略使用启发式规则和模糊推理机制适应了交易信息的不完整性和交易环境的不确定性。

    This paper proposes a bidding strategy for Agent in continuous double auction . The strategy uses fuzzy rules and fuzzy reasoning to cope with incompleteness of information and uncertainty of trading environment .

  7. 根据数据对象集的运动性不同构索引的数据集给出了裁减、更新和访问启发式规则,精化了运动和静止数据集下的全局距离的定义给出了一个并对R树结。

    In terms of the mobility of data set , global distances at different situation are refined and some heuristics are presented for data set indexed by data structure of R tree family .

  8. 然而,已有的页面结构挖掘方法大多数依赖于启发式规则和人工标注,这对于海量、异构的Web页面来说,不管是效率还是可扩展性都难以满足实际应用的要求。

    However , most of existing page structure mining algorithms rely on heuristic rules or manually labeling , which makes that either the efficiency or the scalability can not meet the requirements of practical application for the massive and heterogeneous Web pages .

  9. GASA在初始种群的生成上,采用了随机生成和按启发式规则生成结合的方式。

    On the generation of initial population , GASA use a combination of random generation and heuristic rules to generate .

  10. 在传统的蚁群算法的基础上自适应调整挥发系数ρ,采用了新的启发式规则定义能见度函数ηij(t),allowed表的更新也有所不同。

    Based on the traditional ant colony algorithm , we adjust the evaporation coefficient ρ adaptively , adopt new heuristic rules to define the visibility function η ij ( t ) and update table allowed in a different way .

  11. APSO算法是在PSO算法基础上,根据各参数与粒子群适应值的关系,引入启发式规则,使各参数随求解问题的不同在寻优过程中自适应地变化,以便获得最优解。

    According to the relationship between the control parameters and the fitness value of particles , APSO adjusts parameters adaptively in optimization process to find the global optimum based on some heuristic rules .

  12. 最后将调度算法、启发式规则、TCPN模型和仿真结合起来,构成一个基于专家系统的调度器,产生出虽非最优,但是具有比较好结果的可行调度,有效地解决了动态仿真中的FMS调度问题。

    For solving the scheduling problem of FMSs , all expert system based scheduling system which combines the scheduling algorithm , heuristic knowledge , and simulation is formed to obtain a reasonable and feasible result .

  13. PBASE/2以流机制为基础,采用基于代价估算和启发式规则的改良的两阶段优化技术,有效地解决了这一问题。

    PBASE / 2 is based on stream mechanism . It uses an improved two-phase approach based on cost estimation and heuristics to solve this problem effectively .

  14. 首先,对配电网进行拓扑分析和接线模式识别,建立接线模式在N-X后恢复供电的规则库,基于启发式规则,无需拓扑搜索就能快速确定恢复供电方案。

    It can be applied in large-scale distribution network on security verification . Firstly , after topology analysis and connection mode identification , establish connection mode rules database for post N-X restoration with heuristic method .

  15. 与启发式规则相结合的遗传算法在车间调度问题中的研究

    Research on Job-Shop by using genetic algorithm mixed with heuristic processing

  16. 本文提出一种先进的生产调度启发式规则。

    Or production scheduling , an advanced heuristic rule is developed .

  17. 启发式规则;遗传算法;无功优化。

    Heuristic rule ; Genetic algorithm ; reactive power optimization .

  18. 为此,文中提出了将启发式规则和模糊逻辑相结合的算法。

    Therefore , an algorithm in which the heuristic rules combined wit .

  19. 基于启发式规则的新型进化算法在流水车间调度中的应用

    An Improved Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Heuristic Rules for Flow Shop Scheduling

  20. 启发式规则在炼油厂短期原油调度模型中的应用

    Heuristic rules aided modeling of crude oil short-term scheduling

  21. 基于简单启发式规则的动词句子隐喻识别。

    Verb metaphor recognition based of simple heuristic rules .

  22. 基于启发式规则推理的多媒体农业专家系统开发平台的开发与研究

    Research and Development of Illuming-rule-based Reasoning Multimedia Platform for Agricultural Intelligent System Development

  23. 基于启发式规则的现货配船算法研究

    To Study on Matching Mechanism of Vessel and Cargo Based on Heuristic Rules

  24. 称球问题的一个启发式规则

    A Heuristic Rule for Solving the Ball-weighing Problem

  25. 为了引入启发式规则,决策表结构是必要的。

    Decision table is essential for heuristic rules .

  26. 这是因为在采用启发式规则实现的模糊控制,只能使模糊控制器限于在操作者富于经验的情况下应用。

    The application of the kind of fuzzy control is confined to some experiences .

  27. 本文给出了称球问题的一个启发式规则。

    This paper gives an heuristic rule to solve the problem of ball weighing .

  28. 基于启发式规则和蚁群算法的车间作业调度方法

    An approach for job shop scheduling based on heuristic rule and ant colony algorithm

  29. 同时增加了一些启发式规则,使得译码所需时间大为降低。

    Some heuristic rules are added to make the final decoding time decrease sharply .

  30. 基于启发式规则的多媒体主题信息挖掘

    Heuristic rules based multimedia information mining