
xùn liàn
  • train;exercise;practice;educate;education;programme;school;teach;manage;workout;drill;condition;discipline
训练 [xùn liàn]
  • [train;drill] 教练、操练兵士,教育学名词。与教学意义相近。训练的目的,是使受训者获得一项行为方式或技能

  • 训练新兵

训练[xùn liàn]
  1. 他们训练狗嗅出毒品。

    They train dogs to sniff out drugs .

  2. 我不想再训练新兵了。

    I don 't want to have another rookie to train .

  3. 战俘营被委婉地称作“再训练中心”。

    The prison camps were euphemistically called ' retraining centres ' .

  4. 此项训练包括伸展和收缩腿部肌肉。

    The exercise consists of stretching and contracting the leg muscles .

  5. 他是我训练过的最出色的足球运动员。

    He 's the best football player I 've ever coached .

  6. 球队正在训练,备战星期五的重大比赛。

    The team is practicing for their big game on Friday .

  7. 比赛前几天要减轻训练强度。

    Ease off the training a few days before the race .

  8. 这些产品在没有受过专门训练的人看来几乎一模一样。

    To the untrained eye , the products look remarkably similar .

  9. 她每星期在当地的游泳池训练五次。

    She trained five times a week at her local swimming pool .

  10. 我们所有的警察都接受过自卫训练,能够对付持刀袭击。

    All our officers are trained to defend themselves against knife attacks .

  11. 团队合作是这项训练计划的重要特点。

    Teamwork is a key feature of the training programme .

  12. 我们努力使这些训练课程尽可能地贴近实际情况。

    We try to make these training courses as realistic as possible .

  13. 我们的员工都接受过手语训练。

    All our staff have been instructed in sign language .

  14. 经过训练,那些动物对声音形成了条件反射。

    The animals were conditioned to respond to auditory stimuli .

  15. 这些训练旨在抵消压力与紧张的影响。

    These exercises aim to counteract the effects of stress and tension .

  16. 为使训练真实,模拟是实时运行的。

    To make the training realistic the simulation operates in real time .

  17. 他们仅仅受到过基本的职业训练。

    They were given only rudimentary training in the job .

  18. 为了跟贝利一决雌雄,他已经着手训练了。

    He 's already in training for the big race against Bailey .

  19. 没经过训练,你在艺术行业是不会有多大作为的。

    You can 't do much in the art line without training .

  20. 缺乏训练会妨碍事业的发展。

    Lack of training acts as a block to progress in a career .

  21. 每星期五晚上有篮球训练。

    There 's a basketball practice every Friday evening .

  22. 对比赛我训练得不够。

    I hadn 't trained enough for the game .

  23. 他们正在为大赛进行训练。

    They 're in training for the big game .

  24. 你在接受训练,可不能不吃饭呀。

    You can 't afford to miss meals when you 're in training .

  25. 这门课程可提供一整套新鲜活泼的技能训练。

    The course offers a range of exciting possibilities for developing your skills .

  26. 全体职员接受训练,以便在任何时候对顾客都以礼相待。

    Staff members are trained to treat customers with civility at all times .

  27. 她训练过我们许多名列前茅的青少年运动员。

    She has coached many of our leading juniors .

  28. 训练的质量已经大幅度提高。

    The quality of the training has vastly improved .

  29. 经过半年的训练,全队状态极佳。

    After six months ' training the whole team is in superb form .

  30. 这些训练是为了准备入侵而进行的演习。

    These training exercises are designed to be a rehearsal for the invasion .