
xùn liàn tǐ zhì
  • training system
  1. 太原市民办中学训练体制不健全。

    Private Schools in Taiyuan , the training system is not perfect .

  2. 河南省排球运动训练体制现状的调查研究

    Investigation and Study on the Status of Volleyball Training System in Henan

  3. 各国竞技体育训练体制的比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Competitive Sports Training Systems in Different Countries

  4. 现行警察教育训练体制改革的六点理论困惑

    Some Theoretical Puzzles of Current Police Educating and Training Reform of Policemen

  5. 我国竞技武术训练体制新模式的构想

    Tentative Idea on New Model of Training System for Competitive Wushu in China

  6. 埃及竞技体育的管理体系、训练体制及其现状

    Present Situation and System of Competitive Sports in Egypt

  7. 信息化条件下的防空兵训练体制模型

    Air Defense Force Training System Model Under Information Condition

  8. 美国少年儿童田径竞赛训练体制及特点分析

    System and characteristics of youth track and field competition and training in the USA

  9. 加强对课余体育组织的指导,改革训练体制;

    To strengthen the guide of physical organization out of class and reform training system ;

  10. 飞行训练体制及其发展

    Flying Train System and its Development

  11. 军队装备训练体制研究

    Study on Military Equipment Training System

  12. 马家军运动训练体制的成功,为我国运动体制改革的深化,明确了方向和路径。

    Ma jiajun 's success of training system points out the way for reform of training system .

  13. 上海市体操训练体制及其运行机制的现状分析

    An Analysis of the Status Quo of the Gymnastic Training System and Its Operating Mechanism in Shanghai

  14. 从世界体操强国训练体制谈幼儿基础体操训练

    A talk on Basic Gymnastic Training in View of the Training System of Gymnastic Powers in the World

  15. 我国青少年男篮后备人才的现状分析与对策研究足球训练体制对青少年后备人才文化素质的影响

    The Impact Research on the Present Football Training Systems of Our Nation Towards the Cultural Quality of Reserved Adolescent Talents

  16. 如何盘活一条龙竞技体育训练体制&对构建新型竞技体育人才链的思考

    How to Revitalize a " Streamlined " Athletics Training System & Thoughts on Building a New Type of Athletics Talents Chain

  17. 中日竞技体育的兴衰与两国运动训练体制的比较

    The Rise and Decline of Athletics sports in China and Japan and the Comparison of the sports Training System between the Two Countries

  18. 江西省的竞技网球后备人才训练体制落后,不能适应现代竞技网球的发展趋势。

    The system of competitive reserve tennis training in Jiangxi province , and can not adapt to modern trends in the development of competitive tennis .

  19. 我国竞技体育训练体制院校化改革探讨&以浙江省训练体制院校化改革为例

    A Discussion on Athletics Athletic Training System Colleges and Universities Reform in China & on the Reform of Sport Training System in Colleges in Zhejiang Province

  20. 研究主要涉及少儿足球训练体制、竞赛体制、经费使用、教练员问题和重点城市管理等5个方面的问题。

    The reform is concentrated on 5 fields : training system , competition system , usage of funds , coaches , and management of key cities .

  21. 西方现代足球传入中国是以香港、广东两地为先,香港足球一直沿用着欧洲的管理和竞赛训练体制。

    The western modern soccer first entered Hong Kong and Guangdong in China . Hong Kong soccer still keeps the European management and training system for years .

  22. 另外,我空军战斗机装备现为二、三两代战斗机并存,因此,我国迫切需要根据飞行训练体制和战斗机装备发展现状研制新型通用高级教练机。

    Therefore , our country has an urgent need to develop a new-type advanced trainer on the basis of the current training system and the actual inventory .

  23. 5训练体制效率低下,学训矛盾已经成为我国体育竞技体育后备人才培养过程中存在的重要问题。

    Raining efficiency is low , the contradiction of learning and training become the main problem that has existed in reserve talents of competitive sports training in our country .

  24. 体能教练和青年教练使你对游戏的训练体制选择更多,而再也不用给普通教练更多额外的工作了。

    A fitness coach and youth coach really give you an option to expand the training regimes of the team , without putting extra burden on the general coaches .

  25. 驾照考试和训练体制是为了测试学员是否能够安全、负责地驾驶,并确保他们了解安全驾驶背后的理论知识。

    ' The driver testing and training regime tests candidates ' ability to drive safely and responsibly as well as making sure they know the theory behind safe driving . '

  26. 出于对僵化的举国训练体制的不满,她20岁的时候第一次退役,回去上大学,并毫无顾忌地与未来的丈夫姜山生活在一起。

    Frustrated with the rigid national training system , she retired for the first time at 20 to go to college and live unfettered with her future husband , Jiang Shan .

  27. 中国的竞技体育训练体制应随着我国的开放政策,借鉴国外先进经验进行改革。

    The author holds that China 's training system should be reformed in keeping with its policy to open to the outside world and in the light of the advanced experience of other countries .

  28. 其深层次原因在于训练体制上对运动员只进行单一的专项训练,而忽视运动员的文化知识教育,给运动员日后生存与发展带来负面影响。

    The fundamental reason is that the athletes ' academics education has been overlooked , makes the athletes engage at single special training , it will bring bad influence on survival and development of athletes in future .

  29. 然而,在正视我国篮球运动员水平滑坡和后备人才匮乏的同时,现行的训练体制仍将是未来一个时期内篮球人才培养的重要渠道。

    However , facing the basketball player of our country come down and the deficiency of reserve talents , the current training system will be a personnel training important channel of basketball in the short time of future .

  30. 县级业余体校是我国训练体制中的重要组成部分,搞好县级业余体校的工作对促进体育后备人才的发展起到尤为重要的作用。

    Amateur sports school at the county level in China is the important component on the training system . It is especially important to promote the county amateur sports school for doing well to the development of offspring sports talents .