
  1. 踝襻假说同样适用于手腕,这张图片中的小司作了鲜明地示范。

    The Anklet Hypothesis can also apply to wrists , as so brilliantly demonstrated by Tsukasa in this pic .

  2. 小剂量艾司唑伦治疗卒中后癫痫的临床研究

    A Clinical Study of Treatment for Post-stroke Epilepsy with Microdose of Estazolam

  3. 目的:观察小剂量昂丹司琼联合止呕方案对化疗所致恶心呕吐的疗效及不良反应。

    Objective : To observe the efficacy and toxicity of combined antiemetic regimen including low dose ondansetron on chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting .

  4. 结论:单次小剂量来非司酮可影响子宫内膜的发育及分泌活性,这可能正是其有紧急避孕效果的基础。

    Conclusion : It is likely that the effects on endometrial development and secretory activity represent the basis of the emergency contraceptive effect of a single and low dose of Mifepristone .