
  • 网络novel monthly;Story monthly;FICTION MONTHLY
  1. 翻译现代性:剔除、强化与妥协&对革新时期《小说月报》英、法文学译介的跨文化解读

    Interpreting Modernity : Reject , Strengthen and Compromise & Trans-culture Study on Novel Monthly 's Interpretation of British and French Literature in the Period of Renovation

  2. 现代汉语语法通则与词语个性分析&以《小说月报》2008年第5期为例

    The Analysis of Modern Chinese Grammatical General Rules and Words ' Features & Taking the Novel Monthly Report , No.5 ( 2008 ) for an Example

  3. 论《小说月报》改革的必然性和必要性

    Certainty and necessity of the reform of the Short Story Magazine

  4. 浅析《小说月报》的读者批评专栏

    A Study of the Reader Critique Column in Novels Monthly

  5. 论1921年《小说月报》的改革及其意义

    On the 1921 's Reform in the Short Story Magazine

  6. 编辑主张与改革前《小说月报》的风格

    Editorial Propositions and the Style of The Short Story Magazine before Being Reformed

  7. 1921年沈雁冰任《小说月报》主编,由此而开始了《小说月报》的“新文化时期”。

    The " Story Magazine " got an new editor named Shen Yanbing in1921 .

  8. 沈雁冰革新《小说月报》的编辑思想研究

    A Study of Shen Yanbing 's Editing Orientation on Renovating the Short Story Magazine

  9. 从1927年开始叶圣陶编辑《小说月报》。

    From 1927 Ye edited the Xiaoshuo yuehao ( " Fiction Monthly " ) .

  10. 迷茫中的积极探索&前期《小说月报》改革与商务印书馆

    Active Explore in Perplexed Circumstance & Prophase Short Story Magazine 's Innovation and Commercial Press

  11. 新文学读者眼中的《小说月报》革新

    The reformation of the short story magazine in view of the modern Chinese literature readers

  12. 1910&1920年《小说月报》作者群的文化心态

    On the Cultural Mentality of Contributors to the Short Story Monthly from 1910 to 1920

  13. 在沈雁冰革新之前,《小说月报》在某种程度上实现了这一目的。

    To some extent , the goal was achieved before Shen Yanbing renovating the Short Story Magazine .

  14. 因此,文章前三章内容主要探究《小说月报》办刊历程中体现出的阶段性特色。

    Thus , the first three chapters of the paper mainly aim at the interim features reflecting in its publication course .

  15. 读者眼中的《小说月报》的形象及刊物自身形象定位及其背后的原因;

    The article analysed the readers image of the magazine , the magazines self-image , and the deep cause of these phenomena .

  16. 从创刊号和12卷1号看前后期《小说月报》的异同

    A Comparative Study of the Early and Late The Short Story Magazine from the First Issue and the Volume 12 No. 1

  17. 作为民初重要的文学杂志,改革前的《小说月报》在中国文学由传统向现代的转型中起了十分重要的作用。

    The Short Story Magazine before being reformed played an important role in the transformation of Chinese literature from traditional to modern .

  18. 而此时的《小说月报》保持登载内容不变,质量下降。

    On the contrary , the content of the Short Story Magazine did not be altered and its quality was on the decline .

  19. 社科理论期刊的学术品位与文化追求&茅盾主编《小说月报》的启示

    Grade in Academy and Cultural Pursuits of Theoretical Periodicals on Social Sciences & Enlightenment from Short Story Monthly chiefly edited by MAO Dun

  20. 《小说月报》创刊于1980年1月,是公认的我国创刊最早,具有广泛的群众基础和社会认可度的文学选刊。

    Novel Monthly first started in January 1980 , known as the earliest literary offprint started in China , has the broadest mass base and social acceptance .

  21. 在新旧思想斗争剧烈的年代里,这种“冶新旧于一炉”的做法,加剧了《小说月报》的失败。

    The method of work of the same old stuff with a new label intensified failure in the years of ideological struggle between the new and the old .

  22. 沈雁冰接任主编后,在了解存稿的基础上,向商务提出三点意见,开始了他迈向革新《小说月报》的一步。

    After replacing the chief editor , Shen Yanbing put forward three proposals to the Commercial Press when he knew the former contributions , made the first step to renovate the Short Story Magazine .

  23. 《莎菲女士的日记》于1928年2月在《小说月报》上发表后,一直被启蒙/男性话语场以固定的话语模式加以解读。

    Since the Diary of Madame Sha Fei had been published on Novel Monthly Magazine in December of 1928 , it has been interpreted by a rigid way which used by the Enlightenment / male words .

  24. 五四时期,《小说月报》大力译介英国、法国文学,摸索了剔除、强化和妥协等三种西方文学进入中国的途径,形成了这一时期较为典型的翻译现代性理念与实践。

    In the period of May 4th Movement , Novel Monthly 's interpreted and introduced British and French literature , that produced three modes of " literature interpretation ", such as reject , strengthen and compromise .

  25. 译者群体背后的商务印书馆作为《小说月报》的发行机构,其管理层的经营理念,译作和教材的出版传统以及20年代初对旗下期刊杂志的改革都从一定程度上促进了专号的刊发。

    As the publisher of Short Story Magazine , Commercial Press makes impact on the special issue via the management ideas , the tradition of translation and textbook publication and the reforms in all subordinate journals and magazines .

  26. 本文通过1921年到1931年间《小说月报》的现代小说,探讨五四小说叙事的艺术与叙事的转型。

    In this paper , we inquire into the artistic and narrative transition of novels in the period of " May Fourth " by the modern novels in " novel monthly magazine " from 1921 to 1931.The paper is divided into three major parts .

  27. 本论文在对《小说月报》上刊载的法国文学和英国文学的译介文章进行描述研究时,借用了操纵学派代表勒菲维尔关于意识形态和诗学与翻译的关系的观点。

    This author chooses one of the most important journals in this period , the Short Story Magazine ( xiaoshuo yuebao ), to study the articles and the translations introducing French literature and British literature published in it from the perspective of the ideology and the poetics at this time .

  28. 本文正是基于此,以小说这一文体形式作为切入点,以《小说月报》(1910&1932)这一报刊媒介作为具体研究的文本,来探索小说成长过程中的外在制约性因素。

    Based on this , this thesis explores the external factors restricting the shaping processes of novels by studying stories in Novel Monthly ( 1910-1932 ) .