
New Ideas on Studies of Novel Rhetoric & On the Originality of LI Jian-jun 's " Studies of Novel Rhetoric "
If the study of rhetoric of fiction want to gain its comparative independence and thoroughness , the theoretical boundary between narrative and rhetoric study must be clear .
Secondly , theoretical divisions between narrative study and rhetoric study are not effectively done , which consequently prevent the rhetoric study from giving full play to its long suit of theory and therefore affect the thoroughness and validity of rhetoric study on Chinese modern novels .
In recent years , many scholars have made some instructive researches and got certain achievements . But some deficiencies still exist in a whole aspect .
There are many theories on novel rhetoric .
This text considers the rhetoric study of novel language should be conducted from the angle of " novel in the language ", focusing on the image of language , which is the intermediary of language and literature .
Thirdly , the long rhetoric tradition of Chinese novel itself is ignored and the effects that the rhetoric ethic in ancient China had on modern novelists are not well understood . All those above have made the rhetoric study of Chinese modern novels lack of the aspect of history .