- Small landowner;franklin
Now the small landlords who fled away have come back and are working their land like common farmers .
In the early days the small landlords and rich peasants scrambled to get on to government committees , especially at the township level .
Under the concerted drive for land by Chiang 's interlopers from the coast , even rich peasants and small landlords began to lose their holdings .
Treatment must be different for those who are local tyrants and those who are not , and different also for big , middle and small landlords .
In Yunghsin and Ningkang it was precisely the small landlords and rich peasants who led the reactionary troops in setting fire to the houses of revolutionary peasants .
Moreover , a distinction must be made between the big and small landlords . The interests of the rich peasants are often interwoven with those of the small landlords .
We have already dealt with the vacillation of the national bourgeoisie , the rich peasants and small landlords and the possibility that they may actually participate in the anti-Japanese struggle .
The land of the rich peasants forms only a small percentage of the total , yet if the land of the small landlords is counted in , the amount is considerable .
In 1911 I was bom into a small landlord family in a small county town in Helongjiang - China 's far northeastern province where it snowed for four months of the year .
Such a situation occurred in the Dabie Mountains . There small landlords and rich peasants were driven to revolt and took up spears to fight against us , and the masses were harmed , too .
The rural population is roughly divided into three classes , the class of big and middle landlords , the intermediate class of small landlords and rich peasants , and the class of middle and poor peasants .
10 . Within the framework of the principle of equal distribution of land , we should also distinguish among the big , middle and small landlords , as well as between those landlords and rich peasants who are local tyrants and those who are not .