
huó mái
  • bury alive
活埋 [huó mái]
  • [bury alive] 把活人埋起来使窒息致死

活埋[huó mái]
  1. 除了宏伟的秦始皇陵,秦始皇最出名的要数焚书坑儒了,他曾下令活埋460名儒家学者。

    Aside from his incredible tomb , Qin Shi Huang is perhaps most famous for his burning of religious and historical texts and his order to bury alive 460 Confucian scholars .

  2. 地震把他活埋了。

    He was buried alive in the earthquake .

  3. 想到人们会认为我死了并把我活埋,我觉得恐惧万分。

    I was horrified that people would think I was dead and bury me alive

  4. 秦始皇用泥塑造了这批俑,没有活埋奴隶作为殉葬。

    The Emperor had these clay figures made instead of burying slave-workers alive as immolation .

  5. 2018年,一只名叫金辉(音译)的奶油色博美犬在韩国港口城市釜山被活埋,差点死掉。

    Jin-hui , a cream-coloured Pomeranian , was buried alive and left for dead in 2018 in the South Korean port city of Busan .

  6. 十多年来那几箱CD跟着我搬了不知多少次家,我坚定地认为,总有一天会雇个人把它们都转成MP3。这件事太无聊,太浪费时间,想到要自己去做,我宁可跟朋友一起被唱片活埋。

    I 've dragged my own CD boxes from apartment to apartment for more than a decade , certain that one day I will hire someone to convert them all to MP3 , a task so banal and time-consuming the thought of it makes me want to bury myself under the stacks with my friend .

  7. 后来他们都被打败了并被活埋在埃特纳山下。

    They were finally subdued and burried alive under Mount Aetna .

  8. 我们把人活埋、砍掉头颅。

    We 've buried people alive , lopped off their heads .

  9. 我可不想被活埋。

    I 'm not going to be buried alive or anything .

  10. 好像被活埋还不够可怕似的。

    As if being buried alive wasn 't horrific enough .

  11. 所以你为了你的研究活埋了他。

    So you buried him alive to save your research .

  12. 使投入,使埋首数百人因为这场地震被活埋。

    Because of the earthquake , hundreds of people were buried alive .

  13. 在那次爆炸事件中,托尼的父母被泥土碎石活埋达几个小时。

    In the explosion Tony 's parents were buried alive for hours .

  14. 问不问无关紧要,先把他活埋了再说。

    Never mind asking him . let 's just bury him alive .

  15. 矿坑坍塌时,矿工被活活埋在里面了。

    The miners were buried alive when the tunnel collapsed .

  16. 西德妮,这个人把你活埋。

    Syd , this guy , he buried you alive .

  17. 你这个垃圾,我应该把你活埋了。

    You trash , I ought to bury you alive .

  18. 当事故发生时,十名矿工被活活埋在里面。

    Ten miners were buried alive when the accident happened .

  19. 还有好几百人在瓦砾堆下被活埋。

    There are still hundreds of people buried alive under the rubble .

  20. “你怎么敢说我被活埋了呢!”

    " How dare you say I 'm buried alive !"

  21. 我准备每晚把自己活埋起来。

    I am going to bury myself alive every night .

  22. 你认为我们的无名氏是被活埋的吗?

    Do you think our Jane Doe was buried alive ?

  23. 我知道的是这工作会被烧或活埋。

    And I got this thing about being burned or buried alive .

  24. 她就是个局外人而我把她活埋了

    She was a stranger and I buried her alive .

  25. 你不会喜欢被人活埋。

    You wouldn 't like to be buried alive .

  26. 他们认为可以活埋我们的特工。

    They think they can bury our agents alive .

  27. 如果发生雪崩,滑雪者会被雪活埋。

    If an avalanche strikes , skiers can be buried alive by snow .

  28. 如果找不到本人,便活埋他们的家属。

    If they could not find these men , they buried their families .

  29. 是指害怕被活埋的恐惧。

    Taphephobia is the fear of being buried alive .

  30. 矿坑爆炸致使六十个人被活埋。

    Sixty men were entombed by the mine explosion .