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huó ji
  • handicraft work;manual labour;labor;livehood;work
活计 [huó jì]
  • (1) [handicraft work;manual labour]∶过去专指手艺或缝纫、刺绣等

  • 针线活计

  • (2) [labor]∶现在泛指各种体力劳动

  • 安排活计

  • (3) [livehood]∶生计,也指维持生活

  • 至亲数口,今后如何活计

活计[huó ji]
  1. 她干过将水果装瓶或做果酱之类的活计吗?

    Did she do things like bottling fruit or making jam ?

  2. 他做各种各样的活计来谋生。

    He earns his living doing all kinds of things .

  3. 不久耐儿也来到我们一起,把一些针线活计放在桌上。

    Nell joined us before long , and bringing some needle-work to the table .

  4. 她拿着活计给大家看。

    She showed her work to everybody .

  5. 下面这个说法中的kick也属于贬义:肖对新工作不太满意,他说那活计吃力不讨好。

    Shaw is not very pleased with his new job ; he says there are more kicks than halfpence .

  6. 立合同把更多活计包给私营商号的一个步骤。

    A move towards contracting out more work to private firms .

  7. 她不洗吧,就没有活计做了。

    If you do not wash , you lose your custom .

  8. 这么说你想找什么样的活计?

    So ... What kind of work are you looking for ?

  9. 啃嚼语段:班布尔先生走进铺子时,棺材店老板刚忙完一天的活计。

    The undertaker had just when Mr Bumble entered his shop .

  10. 活计,你和事实可不太友好。

    Man , you ain 't even friendly with the truth .

  11. 妇女的活计做不完。

    A man woman 's work is never at an end .

  12. 你一旦有了名气,活计就会源源不断。

    Once you 're established , the work will come pouring in .

  13. 我只要个可以搞定这活计的人。

    I need one person who can do the job .

  14. 她把活计带到了园子里。

    She took her work with her into the garden .

  15. 他停下手里的活计,恶狠狠地瞪了我好一会儿。

    He stopped shoveling and gave me a long , black stare .

  16. 所有的心思都在这傍晚的活计。

    So much as to take care of evening chores .

  17. 你帮助我们做重新装饰房间的所有活计好吗?

    Will you help us with all this re-decorating ?

  18. 我放下活计眼里充满雾水。

    I turn from my work and my eyes fill with the mist .

  19. 和其他活计一样。

    It was like the rest of the job .

  20. 活计未完不给傻瓜和孩子看。

    Fools and bairns should not see half-done work .

  21. 思嘉站起来,把手里的活计扔到地上。

    Scarlett rose , flinging her sewing down .

  22. 可是完成之后,却没有其他的活计可做了。

    After they have finished it , they have no more work lined up .

  23. 苔丝微微有些脸红,但仍没有停下手里的活计。

    Tess blushed a little , but still did not pause in her work .

  24. 伊丽莎白正在对面角落里做活计,把这全部情景都看在眼里,感到无限高兴。

    Elizabeth , at work in the opposite corner , saw it all with great delight .

  25. 每天晚上有活计收场;

    Each evening sees it close ;

  26. 胜任这项任务;这活计不满足我要求的标准。

    Equal to the task ; the work isn 't up to the standard I require .

  27. 第二天,乔·格林来了。他得赶在詹姆斯走之前学会干所有的活计。

    The next day , Joe Green came to learn all he could before James left .

  28. 她把活计带到了园子里(如图纸或缝纫材料)。

    She took her work ( eg papers or sewing materials ) with her into the garden .

  29. 在后方的家中,外祖母含辛茹苦,抚养子女,并在轰炸机装配线上找了份活计。

    Back home , my grandmother raised a baby and went to work on a bomber assembly line .

  30. 她急忙把活计抛开,把头伏在他的枕头上,爱抚着他。

    She hurriedly put her work aside , and laid her head down on his pillow , caressing him .