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dā jiè
  • border on;have a common border;interface;have sth. to do with affiliate;juncture of
搭界 [dā jiè]
  • (1) [interface]∶地界相接

  • 这里是两省搭界的地方

  • (2) [have sth. to do with affiliate] 〈方〉∶比喻两种事物有关联(多用于否定)

  • 这两家从不搭界

搭界[dā jiè]
  1. 可是似乎金钱和友情是不搭界的。

    But it seems like money and friendship didn 't mix .

  2. 在我的家乡也有有钱人。(这个挑战最,英汉句式似不搭界)

    Rich people are also known in my home town .

  3. 这和拯救生命一点也不搭界。

    This has nothing to dowith saving a life .

  4. 冈比亚三面与塞内加尔搭界。

    Gambia is bordered on three sides by senegal .

  5. 原来亚嫩河是摩押的边界,在摩押和亚摩利人搭界的地方。

    The Arnon is the border of Moab , between Moab and the Amorites .

  6. 跟“特权”不搭界的!

    Punishment is to take privilege away .

  7. 很多方面两人都是相对的,表面看来似乎两人不搭界。

    In many ways they are contrasts , and on the surface they may seem an unlikely pair .

  8. 他称此次峰会是一次“主要的思想不搭界”。他说峰会没有得出任何有约束力的协议。

    He calls the summit a " major non-meeting of minds . " He says no binding agreements will come out of it .

  9. 在这个时候,我相信记忆,相信与我耕种的那块小小的知识自留地完全不搭界的即时的兴趣。

    At the moment , I am relying on memory , on a fortuitous interest in something well outside the tiny smallholding of knowledge I 've begun to cultivate .