
dā péng
  • put up a shed;build a shed
搭棚 [dā péng]
  • [put up a shed;build a shed] 修建棚子

搭棚[dā péng]
  1. 他们剪了一些书上的树枝后开始搭棚。

    They sheared some branches from the trees then built a shed .

  2. 从掳到之地归回的全会众就搭棚,住在棚里。

    The whole company that had returned from exile built booths and lived in them .

  3. 法国冬青扦插后,要求搭棚遮荫,以减少蒸腾量和阳光直射苗床。

    France holly cuttings , scaffolding shade requirements to reduce transpiration and direct sunlight seedbed .

  4. 为管好苗床,他搭棚睡在苗床边,及时撒水润土,时刻观看地膜。

    To manage beds , scaffolding , he slept in bed Miao , Shui Run scattered territories in a timely manner , always watching film .

  5. 雅各就往疏割去,在那里为自己盖造房屋,又为牲畜搭棚。因此那地方名叫疏割(就是棚的意思)。

    And Jacob journeyed to Succoth , and built him an house , and made booths for his cattle : therefore the name of the place is called Succoth .

  6. (十一)未经主管部门批准,在街道上搭棚、盖房、摆摊、堆物或者有其他妨碍交通行为的。

    ( 11 ) blocking traffic by putting up shelters , building houses , setting up stalls , piling up goods or conducting other operations without approval of the appropriate department .

  7. (六)违反消防安全规定,占用防火间距,或者搭棚、盖房、挖沟、砌墙堵塞消防车通道的;

    Occupying fire prevention belts , putting up shelters , building houses , digging trenches or building walls blocking the passage of fire engines in violation of the safety measures against fire ;

  8. 梅季移栽需坚持带土并剪除全部叶片,成活率可达90.67%,如在移植苗上方搭棚遮荫,则成活率可提高到95.33%;

    If transplantation would be done in sandy soil , seedling leaves need to be cut off . If in the rainy season , seedling with soil should also be cut leaves , the survival could reach 90.67 % , even 95.33 % when shelter above seedlings .