
dā biàn chē
  • hitchhike;hitch;lift;thumb a lift
搭便车 [dā biàn chē]
  • [lift] 乘坐顺路可免费的车

  • 他曾多次让她搭他的便车

搭便车[dā biàn chē]
  1. 如果我们赶不上末班火车,我们总可搭便车回家。

    If we miss the last train we can always thumb a lift home .

  2. 我们借搭便车在欧洲各地旅行了一个夏天。

    We spent the summer hitching around Europe .

  3. 她搭便车去车站。

    She hitched a ride to the station .

  4. 他们一路搭便车周游欧洲。

    They hitchhiked around Europe .

  5. 警方推测那些杀手可能会假装成搭便车的人。

    Police are theorizing that the killers may be posing as hitchhikers

  6. 伸手搭便车曾经给人以轻松随意的形象。

    Thumbing a lift had once a carefree , easy-going image .

  7. 她认定搭便车是自己最好的逃跑方法。

    She decided hitchhiking was her best method of escape .

  8. 让-菲利普在20世纪60年代曾搭便车游遍欧洲。

    Jean-Phillippe had hitched all over Europe in the 1960s .

  9. 他们要走80英里的路程,最后决定搭便车。

    They had an eighty-mile journey and decided to hitch-hike

  10. 你或许会对这个消息感兴趣,有个和罗里描述的一模一样的小男孩搭便车到了霍斯。

    It may interest you to know that a boy answering Rory 's description thumbed a ride to Howth

  11. 玛丽因钱不多,决定搭便车到纽约去。

    Not having much money , Mary decided to thumb a ride to New York .

  12. 如果有些人不接种疫苗又跑去搭便车,这个免疫系统就会崩溃,所有人都面临着更大的危险。

    When some refuse vaccination and seek a free ride , immunity breaks down and everyone is in even bigger danger .

  13. A:好的!我们能搭便车吗?

    A : OK ! Can we take a lift ?

  14. 本文作者罗伯特•莱文著有《盗版搭便车:数字寄生虫吞噬文化产业及文化产业的反击之道》(FreeRide:HowDigitalParasitesAreDestroyingtheCultureBusinessandHowtheCultureBusinessCanFightBack)一书。

    Robert Levine is author of free ride : how digital parasites are destroying the culture business and how the culture business can fight back .

  15. 此外由于信息不对称的存在,团队运作中还常出现搭便车(FreeRider)的现象。

    In addition , there exists the phenomenon of " Free Rider " as a result of information asymmetry .

  16. 然而,搭便车现象和共享资源的质量差等问题的存在,严重影响到P2P网络的健壮性和效率。

    However , the free-rider phenomenon and poor quality of tranaction resource make badly effects on toughness and efficiency of P2P network .

  17. 这些现象严重降低了P2P流媒体系统的性能和用户体验,搭便车节点的存在甚至会导致网络的完全瘫痪。

    These phenomena seriously reduce the performance of the P2P streaming media system , The existence of free-riding nodes even leads to the complete paralysis of network .

  18. 接着应用博弈论的方法对P2P网络中的搭便车问题进行了分析,并将P2P网络中的节点行为建模成一个无限次重复的博弈。

    Then the game theory is introduced to analyze the free riding problem , and nodes ' behaviors in P2P networks are modeled as an infinite repeated game .

  19. 仿真实验表明,GST模型能够对正常P2P网络中的搭便车者数量做出较为合理的预测。在信任模型的研究方面,提出了基于云的加权信任模型(Cloud-BasedWeightedTrustModel)&CBWT模型。

    Experimental results show that GST model is capable of making reasonable predictions on the number of free-riders in normal P2P networks . A Cloud-based weighted trust model & CBWT model is proposed .

  20. 当我和Renee搭便车周围转的时候,我们在他祖母那里逗留了一个晚上。

    When I hitchhiked around with Renee we stayed one night with her grandmother here .

  21. 随着信息技术的进步与互联网的飞速发展,P2P网络系统的规模越来越大,P2P网络系统中的搭便车(flee-riding)现象正在变得越来越严重。

    With the advancement of information technology and the development of Internet , the Peer-to-Peer system becomes larger and larger , and consequently the problem of free-riding is becoming more and more serious .

  22. 针对P2P网络的搭便车行为及网络资源的同质化现象,提出了一个基于PKI体系和结构化P2P网络的激励机制。

    To solve free rider and homogenization problems in peer-to-peer ( P2P ) network , an incentive mechanism based on public key infrastructure ( PKI ) and constructed P2P network was proposed .

  23. 埃莉诺·奥斯特罗姆(ElinorOstrom)赢得诺贝尔经济学奖部分是因为发现社区常常可以解决搭便车问题。

    Elinor Ostrom won her Nobel in economics partly for observing that communities often solve free-rider problems .

  24. 转发和响应其他用户的查询将会耗费他们自己的资源,因此他们只下载文件从不向P2P网络贡献任何资源,这就是所谓的搭便车问题。

    Forward and respond to queries of other users will spend their own resources , so they just download the file never contribute any resources to the P2P network , this is the so-called " free-riding " problem .

  25. 但是,网络中存在一些节点为了能从网络中得到更多的利益,只使用其他节点提供的资源,而不向系统做出自己的贡献,从而造成了P2P网络的搭便车(free-riding)现象。

    However , there are some nodes that only get services provided by other nodes without contributing local resources for the system , which lead to free riding phenomenon .

  26. 正如博弈论所预测的,正统芬兰人党(TrueFinns)、斯洛伐克人、欧洲央行(ECB)、债权银行和其他方面的搭便车行为,使得对任何事情达成合理的一致都变得几乎不可能。

    As game theory predicts , free riding by the True Finns , the Slovaks , the European Central Bank , creditor banks and others has made it nearly impossible to reach a sensible agreement on anything .

  27. 但随着集群的发展,创新成果的外溢将导致集群内企业倾向于搭便车(Free-ride)。

    But with the development of the cluster , the spillover of innovations can seduce the enterprises in the cluster to be " free-rider " .

  28. 这位前3K党成员参与了绑架两名搭便车旅行的人少年,并把他们捆在树上毒打。免费搭乘他人便车旅行。

    The former Ku Klux Klansman member has taken part in abducting two black teenager hitch – hikers , tying them to a tree and beating them . travel by getting free rides from motorists .

  29. 那个搭便车的人看起来很危险。不要载他。

    That hitchhiker looks dangerous . don 't pick him up .

  30. 想搭便车未免要求过分了些。

    It 's asking a bit much to expect a lift .