
  • 网络Swiss International Air Lines;Swiss International Airlines;Swiss;Swiss International
  1. 利比亚逮捕两名瑞士商人,威胁说要切断原油的输送,撤回在瑞士银行的存款,并告知瑞士国际航空公司,有可能禁止其航班飞往的黎波里。

    It arrested two Swiss businessmen , threatened to cut off crude oil deliveries , withdrew its money from Swiss banks , and told Swiss International Air Lines it could no longer fly to Tripoli .

  2. 去年9月,翻新之后的瑞士国际航空公司苏黎世机场头等舱休息大厅再次向乘客开放。

    Swiss International Airlines ' first-class lounge at Zurich Airport reopened after a renovation this past September .

  3. 瑞士国际航空公司的泰国区经理&布莱恩•辛克莱•汤普森,对该地区的前景表示乐观。

    Brian Sinclair Thompson , Thailand manager for Swiss International , is upbeat over the region 's outlook .

  4. 汉莎航空是全球对冲防范最全面、资本实力最强大的航空公司之一,并且今年还有一个一次性优势,将首次完全合并瑞士国际航空公司全年的财务报表。

    Lufthansa is one of the best hedged and most strongly capitalised airlines in the world , and for this year has the one-off advantage of a first 12-month consolidation of Swiss .