
  • 网络Swedish cinema;Sweden,cinema in;Sweden, cinema in
  1. 瑞典电影制作人Kalle·Ljung是与73岁的父亲一同前往的。

    Swedish filmmaker Kalle Ljung brought his 73-year-old father along for the trip .

  2. 根据《好莱坞报道》透露,扎克将同时担当瑞典电影《不义之财》好莱坞翻拍版的领衔主演和制作人,而就在今年,原片在大洋彼岸大获成功。

    According to The Hollywood Reporter , Zac will star and produce in the remake of the Swedish film Snabba Cash , which was a big hit across the Atlantic earlier this year .

  3. 《校园规则》获得了中国观众的一致认可,一位观众表示,这是他看的第一部瑞典电影,觉得印象非常深刻,打算把这届电影节的参展影片全部看一遍。

    The drama won thunderous applause from the audience . " It 's my first time to watch a Swedish movie . I 'm very impressed and decide to see all the movies on the list ," said an audience .

  4. 瑞典:电影明星和导演

    Sweden : Film Stars and Directors

  5. 无人机拍摄美丽南极洲最近,来自瑞典的电影制作团队乘坐帆船来到了南极洲,并公布了8分钟的拍摄画面。

    Drone Footage Captures Antarctica Like Never Before A Swedish film crew has released an 8-minute video from a recent sailing trip to Antarctica .

  6. 通过对瑞典导演伯格曼的电影《假面》所进行的电影美学方面的文本分析,探讨存在于人类的言语与沉默之间的哲学与美学关系,并进而探讨电影作为一种语言的形式的本体论意义。

    Based on the esthetic textual analysis of Persona , filmed by Swedish director Ingmar Bergman , this article discusses the philosophic and esthetic relationship lying in human beings ' language and silence , and then discusses the ontological significance that films possess as a specific form of the language .