
zǒnɡ zhǔ jiào
  • archbishop;primate
  1. 经济委员会成员、悉尼总主教乔治•佩尔枢机(CardinalGeorgePell)将任经济秘书处处长。

    Cardinal George Pell , archbishop of Sydney and a member of the advisory commission , will lead the secretariat .

  2. 教宗本笃十六世于五月十日任命费尔南多.菲洛尼(FernandoFiloni)总主教为万民福音部新部长。教会观察家认为他是合适的人选。

    Pope Benedict XVI yesterday appointed Archbishop Fernando Filoni as the new prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples .

  3. 这个未来也许就在都柏林市中心的圣玛利亚临时主教座堂(St.Mary’sPro-Cathedral)里。孩子们正分列两排,在高大威严、立柱高耸的教堂里等待领受总主教的坚振圣事。

    It could be found at St. Mary 's Pro-Cathedral here , in downtown Dublin , as two rows of children awaited confirmation before him in the lofty , column-lined church .

  4. 都柏林——爱尔兰成为世界上首个通过全民投票将同性婚姻合法化的国家,次日清晨,都柏林总主教迪亚姆德·马丁(DiarmuidMartin)思索着罗马天主教的未来在何方。

    DUBLIN - The morning after Ireland learned it had become the first nation to approve same-sex marriage by popular vote , Diarmuid Martin , the archbishop of Dublin , looked out at the future of the Roman Catholic Church .

  5. 都柏林&爱尔兰成为世界上首个通过全民投票将同性婚姻合法化的国家,次日清晨,都柏林总主教迪亚姆德·马丁(DiarmuidMartin)思索着罗马天主教的未来在何方。

    DUBLIN &   The morning after Ireland learned it had become the first nation to approve same-sex marriage by popular vote , Diarmuid Martin , the archbishop of Dublin , looked out at the future of the Roman Catholic Church .

  6. 在成为总主教前,曾在位多年的都柏林总主教约翰·查尔斯·麦夸伊德(JohnCharlesMcQuaid)在《爱尔兰宪法》的起草过程中扮演了关键角色,在其中贯彻了保守教义,连哪里加逗号之类的细节都亲自过问。

    John Charles McQuaid , the longtime archbishop of Dublin , played a central role in drafting Ireland 's Constitution before he became archbishop , hewing to conservative church doctrine and closely involving himself in details as small as the placement of commas in the document .

  7. 坎特伯雷大主教被称为全英总主教。

    The Archbishop of Canterbury is called the Primate of All England .

  8. 尼科尔斯总主教上周提议,以天主教教义作为商业行为的框架。

    Archbishop Nichols last week proposed church teaching as a framework for business behaviour .

  9. 如今当地总主教已介入此事,并请求梵蒂冈准许关闭该修女院。

    Now the local archbishop has intervened and asked the Vatican for permission to close the convent .

  10. 二十世纪四十年代,中国天主教20个总主教中,外国籍占17人,中国籍仅3人;

    In the 1940s among the 20 archbishops in China there were 17 foreigners and only three Chinese ;

  11. 红衣主教费什既不肯辞职,只得由亚马齐总主教德班先生管辖里昂教区。

    AS Cardinal Fesch refused to resign , M.de Pins , Archbishop of AmASie , administered the diocese of Lyons .

  12. 最近我不得不另辟财源,把主意动到了教会头上,总主教大人讨价还价的本领之高,连多恩的鱼贩都比不上。

    Of late I 've had to turn to the Faith . The High Septon haggles worse than a Dornish fishmonger .

  13. 多位教会观察家不约而同说,菲洛尼总主教拥有丰富的外交经验,是担当万民福音部首长非常合适的人选。

    Several Church observers believe he is a very suitable choice to head the Vatican department which oversees and directs global missionary activities .

  14. 另一位新成员是韩国首尔的总主教安德鲁·濂洙政,他的曾祖父母在反基督徒迫害中被处决。

    Another is Andrew Yeom Soo-jung , archbishop of Seoul , South Korea , whose great grandparents were executed in an anti-Christian persecution .

  15. 教会需要认清现实,马丁总主教在弥撒后重申了他在周六做出的评论。

    The church needs to take a reality check , Archbishop Martin said after the Mass , repeating a comment he had made Saturday .

  16. 罗光总主教学贯中西,其《生命哲学》一书的内涵融合了哲学与神学的思想。

    Archbishop Lo Kuang is learned in both Chinese and Western philosophies , and his Metaphysical Philosophy of Life incorporates both philosophy and theology .

  17. 男孩们、女孩们,我是六十年前领受坚振的,总主教告诉他们,接着又说,你们的世界和我的不同。

    Boys and girls , I made my confirmation 60 years ago , he told them , adding , Your world is different from mine .

  18. 如人所料,投票结果并未在圣玛丽教堂被提及——总主教反倒是打趣谈起自己第一次用手机的情形。

    At St. Mary 's , the results of the referendum , as one might expect , did not come up - the archbishop instead quipped about his first experience with a cellphone .

  19. 甚至连麦夸伊德总主教的声誉都在那一系列丑闻中崩塌了。在执掌都柏林总教区三十多年后,麦夸伊德于1973年逝世。

    Even the reputation of Archbishop McQuaid , who died in 1973 after more than three decades at the helm of the Dublin archdiocese , crumbled in the tide of child sex scandals .

  20. 同性婚姻公投中赞成与反对的比例接近2:1,对此马丁总主教在周日表示,教会需要一种能够被人们理解和听到的新语言。

    With the vote for the same-sex referendum going nearly two to one in favor , Archbishop Martin said Sunday that the church needed what he called a new language that will be understood and heard by people .

  21. 会吏总的职位副主教的职务或职位一般职系公务员总会

    The office or position of an archdeacon . General Grades Civil Servants General Union

  22. 这位马尼拉总教区辅理主教指出,事件中警方营救旅游巴士人质的过程混乱无章,一年过去了,但仍没有人需要负上责任。他慨叹:「为甚么?

    A year later , he said , nobody had been made accountable for the incident , in which police appeared to have made a mess of an attempt to rescue tourists held hostage on a coach .