
zǒnɡ ɡōnɡ jǐ
  • Aggregate supply;aggregate/total/gross supply
  1. 但是印度生产的部分占全世界总供给的2.5%,大部分源自这里——OrissaSandsComplex。

    But India produces around 2.5 percent of the world 's supply , largely here in the Orissa Sands Complex .

  2. 那麽总供给与总生产函数之间的关系究竟如何?

    What is the relationship between aggregate supply and production function ?

  3. 试论军事经济总供给与总需求的平衡

    On equilibrium of total supply and total demand of military economy

  4. 2价值规律是实现总供给和总需求均衡的内在机制;

    Law of value as internal mechanism for realization of this balance ;

  5. 总量均衡区间与总供给的粘性波动问题

    Aggregate Equilibrium Interval and the Problem of Sticky Fluctuation of Aggregate Supply

  6. 总供给与总需求平衡的调节机制

    Regulating Mechanisms to Balance Total Supply with Total Demand

  7. 经济周期不同阶段中总供给和总需求冲击具有不同的作用机制。

    Aggregate supply and demand shocks in different stages of business cycle have different mechanisms .

  8. 经济总量由总供给和总需求的均衡来决定。

    The total output is determined by the equilibrium between total supply and total demand .

  9. 总供给的增加是否必然会导致总需求的增长呢?

    Does the increase in aggregate supply certainly bring about the growth in aggregate demand ?

  10. 1978-2007年中国税收政策的总供给效应分析

    An Analysis of the Aggregate Supply Effects of China 's Tax Policies during the 1978-2007 Period

  11. 总供给曲线的推导是宏观经济学中的最重要内容之一。

    The derivation of aggregate supply curve is one of the most important parts of macroeconomics .

  12. 总供给与总生产函数的微观基础是否牢靠?

    Whether their micro-foundation is reliable ?

  13. 在这里,人们论述的是国民产出的总供给和总需求的决定。

    Here one is dealing with the determinants of aggregate supply and demand for national output .

  14. 中国基础产业供给不足时的总供给&基于里昂惕夫生产函数的总供给曲线的构建

    A Valuation of the Production Function of China The Aggregate Supply Function with the Shortage of Infrastructure

  15. 未来十五年中国煤炭需求预测与总供给战略

    China Coal Demand Forecast for 15 Years in the Future and Study of Strategy of Coal Aggregate Supply

  16. 通过这种方法推出的总供给曲线具有许多传统总供给曲线所不具有的新性质。

    The aggregate supply curve thus derived posses many new characteristics not included in traditional aggregate supply curve s.

  17. 从总供给和总需求的均衡研究了黄河水价总水平的确定问题;

    The general level of Yellow River water price is studied from the balance of total supply and total demand .

  18. 在大多数宏观经济模型中,在推导总供给曲线时,加总问题(aggregationproblem)往往被忽略。

    In most macroeconomic models , in deriving the aggregate supply curve , aggregation problem is not dealt with explicitly .

  19. 实际冲击对经济周期产生的影响可以通过总供给与总需求的矛盾表现出来。

    The real shock to the economic cycle can be reflected by contradictions between the aggregate supply and aggregate demand .

  20. 第一,较低的税收导致较高的储蓄、投资、劳动和革新的实际收益,促使这些生产要素总供给的扩大和总产量的提高。

    First , the lower revenue brings the real benefits of savings , investment , labor and innovation on higher .

  21. 福利可从总供给和总需求两个方面同时发生作用。福利经济的发展将从低到高地满足人民各层次的需要,并对国民经济的运行逐步增加影响。

    Welfare economy will meet people 's demand at different levels and exert influence on the operation of national economy gradually .

  22. 但长期而言,会因为住宅总供给量增加,使北市房价朝向较合理方向发展。

    But in the long-term it will increase the overall supply of housing , which should move prices to more reasonable levels .

  23. 然而,我国农村金融资源的总供给小于总需求,未能实现均衡。

    However , the total supply of the Chinese rural financial resources is less than the total demand , failing to reach balance .

  24. 2010年工矿仓储用地供给面积达到15.27万公顷,占全国建设用地面积总供给的35.67%。

    The supply of industrial , mining and warehousing land area was 152,700 hectares , accounting for 35.67 % of the total supply .

  25. 而让总供给和总需求能够更轻松地彼此促进的信贷体系已经破损。

    And the transmission of credit , by which aggregate demand and supply could more easily bootstrap each other up , is broken .

  26. 马克思关于总供给和总需求的均衡和非均衡理论,是宏观调控的科学的理论基础。

    The author maintains that the scientific theoretical foundation of macro regulation and control lies in theory of balance and unbalance in Marxism .

  27. 在分析该区植物性产品和动物性产品产量以及粮食总供给量的同时,研究了粮食需求量。

    This paper analyses the crop productivity and livestock productivity yield and food supply , on the other hand , we researches the food demand .

  28. 各卖方将有所不同,其输出的基础上的输出和其他的市场价格将取决于总供给量。

    Each seller would vary her output based on the output of the other and the market price would be determined by the total quantity supplied .

  29. 为什么当经济相对远离潜在产出时,而不是在一个经济体在总供给曲线是陡峭的时候财政政策才是有效的?

    Why would fiscal policy be effective where the economy is relatively distant from potential output but not in an economy where aggregate supply curve is steep ?

  30. 实现资金供求的均衡,是实现社会总供给与总需求均衡的重要保证。

    Realizing the balance between capital supply and demand is an important guarantee to realize the balance between the overall supply and overall demand of the society .