
  • 网络under urbanization;under-urbanization
  1. 滞后城市化给西部带来了严重的负面影响,如导致集聚规模效应损失与城市功能虚弱,造成了西部农村长期贫困,加剧了资源破坏和环境污染等。

    The lagged urbanization brings the West many negative effects . For example , it reduces the aggregation and scale effect , weakens the urban functions , results in the rural longtime poverty of the West , destroys resources and aggravates the environment pollution .

  2. 河北省滞后的城市化水平影响了社会经济发展,因此需要加快城市化进程,使其符合并促进经济社会的发展。

    As for hebei province , the urbanization level is low enough to restrain the development of society and economy .

  3. 珠江三角洲是目前国内乡村城市化发展较快的区域,但于工业化发展速度相比仍显得滞后,城市化属初级阶段,呈粗放化特点。

    Urbanization in the PRD is one of the fastest in China , but it has still lagged behind the industrialization in the region .

  4. 其中重要的原因是在城市化快速发展中,服务业发展滞后制约了城市化的健康发展。

    One important reason is in the urbanization rapid development , undeveloped service industry restrains urbanization healthy development .

  5. 但我国的城市化水平仍然滞后于世界城市化平均水平,而且也滞后于我国经济的发展。

    However , the level of Chinese urbanization still lags the average of the world and the Chinese economy development .

  6. 但令人遗憾的是由于我国城市化理论发展的滞后性和城市化研究方法的匮乏,目前为止我国还没有形成相对成形的理论研究框架。

    But scholars in China have not yet formed a theory of urbanization due to the lag of theoretical development and the lack of research methods .

  7. 第五章分别从城市化滞后或超前城市化对产业结构的影响和产业结构偏差对城市化的影响论述了城市化与产业结构调整的正负相应与反馈机制。

    In chapter 5 , the author discusses Negative mechanism of responding and feedback between urbanism and adjustment of industrial structure , which caused by running before or late urbanization process and deviation industrial structure .

  8. 重庆城市化的现状特征体现在总体水平低下、二元经济结构显著,城市化滞后于工业化,城市化的地域差异巨大以及不同规模城市数量和人口增长不平衡。

    The urbanization of Chongqing has four characteristic . The first is low level and prominent binary economic structure . The second is urbanization lags industrialization .

  9. 东部沿海地区的城市化滞后主要表现在城市化总体水平低,城镇结构不合理;

    The lags of the coastal regional urbanization of East China mainly incarnate such aspects as the low general level of urbanization , irrationality structure of urban .

  10. 安徽城市化严重滞后,加速推进城市化是本省本世纪前20年乃至更长时期的战略任务。

    The urban - ization of Anhui lags behind seriously , it is the first 20 years of this century and even strategic task over a long time of province to advance the urbanization with higher speed .