
  1. 根据北斗双星定位系统采用有源定位的特点,介绍了北斗双星与SINS组合的最优预测模型,该方法利用了双星定位系统提供的滞后定位信息对组合系统进行最优预测,进而校正惯导;

    According to the characteristic of this system , the paper introduces an optimal predication model of double-star position / SINS integrated system , which can make use of the delayed position information from double-star positioning system to predicate optimally for the integrated system , and then to correct SINS .

  2. 在文本分类已经成为大规模数据处理应用的核心和基础的今天,语料库研究的滞后成为信息技术发展的阻碍。

    Today the text categorization has become the core and foundation of large-scale data processing applications .

  3. 信息更新滞后、信息数据缺乏统计、分析功能。

    The information update is lag . the lack of information data statistic and analysis capabilities .

  4. 网站内容陈旧,板块建设滞后,信息更新不及时。

    Site content is out of fashion , plate construction is lagging behind , the updated information in a timely manner .

  5. 但是目前,针对行政审批系统的理论研究相对匮乏,并滞后于信息技术的发展与应用。

    However , theoretical research related to APS is relatively lack and lags behind the development and application of information technology .

  6. 随着集团信息化建设的不断深入,同时也出现了IT的通病数据滞后、信息孤岛、海量数据等问题。

    With the deepening of the information construction of the group , there has also been a common problem of IT , e.g. data lag , information island , mass data .

  7. 凉山州地处大西南,物产丰富,但经济发展相对滞后,信息的落后阻碍了凉山经济的发展进度。

    Liangshan Prefecture is located in the southwest and rich resources , but economic development is lagging behind the backwardness of information hindered the progress of the economic development of Liangshan .

  8. 信息犯罪是信息社会的产物,由于我国侦查技术的局限和法律规定的滞后,信息犯罪并没有得到很好的制约。

    Information crimes are the product of the information society , which have not yet been well controlled because of the limitation of the investigative technology and the lag of legal regulations .

  9. 由实证检验结果,我们发现开设股指期货交易可以加快信息传递效率,使许多原来可能相对滞后的信息披露,可以在期货市场迅速得到反应,从而进一步影响到现货市场。

    By the empirical test results , we found that stock index futures can speed up the efficiency of information transmission , which make the information that lagged behind reflect quickly , and thus further affect the spot market .

  10. 怎样有效解决传统采购繁琐的工作流程,滞后的信息传递难以保证项目的执行效率的问题,是摆在各企业面前的重大研究课题。

    How to effectively solve the tedious work of traditional procurement process ? How to ensure the efficiency of project implementation , instead of lagging behind the transmission of information ? Those are the research projects placed in front of all the companies .

  11. 将跟踪令牌发布到发布服务器的事务日志中,并开始跟踪滞后时间统计信息的过程。

    Posts a tracer token into the transaction log at the publisher and begins the process of tracking latency statistics .

  12. 存在信息披露的不充分性、信息披露的非主动性、信息披露的滞后性、信息披露的虚假性和信息披露标准的不可操作性等五个问题。

    Five problems exposed to us are identified : insufficient information disclosure , involuntary disclosure , untimely information , fraudulent information and inoperable standards for disclosure .

  13. 目前会计电算化已经滞后于现代信息技术的发展,远远不能适应企业管理的需要。

    At present , Computerized Accounting has lagged behind the development of modern information technology . It can 't fit in with the needs of the business management .

  14. 中国独特的产权结构、法律法规的缺陷、人才制约、滞后失真的信息披露以及文化的无形阻挠构成了独立董事制度难以破解的障碍逻辑。

    The Chinese special property structure , the disfigurement of law , the restriction to talent , the lag and untrue information publishing system and invisible obstacles of culture compose solid impedient logic .

  15. 自驾车旅游已成为我国旅游市场的新亮点,但在其发展过程中也暴露出安全缺乏保障,配套设施和服务滞后,旅游信息不完善,产品匮乏等问题。

    Drive travel is a newly emerged focus in Chinese tourism market , but is obstructed due to lack of the safeguard , a complete network , information service and products for drive travellers .

  16. 政府通过保持国家对国有银行的单一所有制、严格的市场准入限制以及滞后的银行信息披露实现了银行在存款过程中的较强的声誉,但是由此也带来了较高的成本。

    The government takes the financial policies such as single-ownership system , strict market access and the lagged information declare . The aim behind the previous policies is to keep good reputation for the bank sector but pays high costs .

  17. 我国工业基础薄弱、信息产业和信息技术发展相对滞后,影响了信息消费的发展。

    As China 's industrial foundation is weak and its information industry and technology lag behind , the development of information consumption is therefore affected .

  18. 对于海南省来说,远离大陆,经济发展相对滞后,其农村信息服务中存在很多问题。

    Hainan is far away from the mainland , economic development lags behind , there are many problems to be solved in its rural information services .

  19. 虽然有几个星期的滞后,但这些信息对于积累破解经验而言,仍然是很有价值的。当然,减少滞后也是极为重要的。

    Weeks-old material still had value in building up a knowledge of the system , but of course it was of desperate importance that the time-lag be reduced .

  20. 在网络信息时代,个人信息安全涉及到管理、道德、法律等诸多方面,法律的滞后性使个人信息在网络环境下缺少法律的保护以及相应的制裁。

    In the IT era , the personal information security is concerned with many aspects , such as management , moral and legal , an incomplete legal system , therefore , result in the lack of personal information protection in an unbounded internet environment .