
  1. OPCXML-DA规范是OPC家族中的最新成员,它针对跨平台通信和基于互联网的应用而开发,为从生产现场的控制系统到经营决策层的企业信息管理系统的纵向信息集成提供了实现途径。

    OPC XML-DA specification is the newest member of OPC family and it is designed for cross-platform applications on Internet . It makes the integrations of automation systems in plant floor with enterprise information management systems possible and opens a great new space for the development of OPC specifications .

  2. 通过显微图像特征抽取获得微操作目标纵向信息

    Obtaining Z - directional information from characteristics of micro - image

  3. 对于实测资料解释,新方案的处理结果在横向上符合实测数据的异常反映,同时还能够准确的给出地下半空间的纵向信息。

    Towards the practical data explanations , it accurately gives both horizontal abnormity corresponding with practical survey and vertical information of whole underground space .

  4. 地方政府作为政府的组成部分,处于中央政府与企业、居民的中间,中央政府与企业、居民之间的纵向信息流往往必须经过地方政府这个中间环节;

    The local government is in the middle of central government , enterprise , resident as part of government . The vertical information among central government , enterprise , resident must pass this intermediate link of local government time and time again ;

  5. 传感器激励线圈在工件中感应出涡电流,利用测量线圈检测涡流的大小以获得焊缝位置信息,可以检测出薄板对接焊缝横向和纵向位置信息。

    Both horizontal and vertical deviation information can be gained from testing the eddy current induced by the excitation winding .

  6. 文章将传统的模板匹配技术与皮带纵向撕裂边缘信息相结合,应用LabVIEW提供的子VI(虚拟仪器)功能实现了对皮带纵向撕裂的图像匹配识别。

    This paper will combine the traditional template matching and edge detection in longitudinal rip of steel-cord belt . Realize the image template matching using the sub-VI provided in LabVIEW ( Virtual Instrument ) .

  7. 通过纵向分析和信息熵动态演变发现,桂林市土地利用信息熵在2002-2008年间整体上比较稳定。

    Through longitudinal analysis and the dynamic evolution of information entropy , find out that land use information entropy of Guilin is relatively stable as a whole in 2002-2008 .

  8. 利用Matlab仿真图对比研究了横向、纵向差异化下信息性广告竞争模型,并对结论一致性做出合理解释。

    Making comparative study of informative advertising model in both horizontal and vertical differentiation applying Matlab simulation method and providing possible explanation about the conclusion consistency . 3 .

  9. 在此基础上,从市场供求双方因素、纵向市场结构、信息不对称以及价格监管等方面对我国目前产险商品的定价机制及成因进行系统分析和评价;

    , this dissertation analyzed the price-marketing process and the existing problems in property insurance in china .

  10. 这种条码结合条空宽度变化、条空颜色变化和纵向排列来表示信息,能在有限的几何空间内表示更多的信息。

    It greatly increases information capacity within limited space by combining the variety of widths , the variety of colors and vertical array .

  11. 以此,着力构建太湖流域上下游相互协调、各部门密切协作,横向到边、纵向到底的环境信息共享与互动机制,促进太湖流域水污染防治一体化进程。

    I write this article to establish an transverse to the edge and vertically water environmental information sharing and interacting mechanism which coordinate upstream and downstream , different departments , to promoting integrative water pollution prevent management of Taihu .

  12. 纵向沟通缺乏,部门横向沟通几乎没有;纵向沟通中隐性信息获取的激励兼容机制研究

    The lack of vertical exchanges , hardly horizontal exchanges among departments ; A Research on Incentive Mechanism of Learning Hidden Information in Vertical Communication