
  • 网络harmful information
  1. 如何消除这种有害信息的“内容威胁”?

    How eliminate this kind of harmful information " is content minatory " ?

  2. 数据挖掘在Internet有害信息过滤中的应用

    The Application of Data Mining in Filtering Harmful Information from Internet

  3. 监控WEB网页上的有害信息是网络信息监控部门的工作重点和难点。

    For the net information monitor sections , It is the most important and hard work to stop the harmful ones in time .

  4. 随着Internet的普及,由于Internet自身的开放性、自由性,在互联网上发布、传播有害信息的问题日渐突出,利用互联网实施的违法犯罪活动也逐渐增多。

    With the development of Internet , because of the opening-up and freedom of Internet , more and more problems grow up , including broadcasting harmful information , crimines by Internet .

  5. 而且,如果搜索“Warning”和“Skip”也没看到任何有害信息,迁移过程基本就是成功的。

    Moreover , if you don 't see any harmful information by searching for " Warning " and " Skip ", the migration process is most likely a complete success .

  6. 本文在深入理解HTTP协议规范的工作流程基础上提出并实现了一种新型的实时查找并取证网络上存在的非法网站和有害信息的系统&非法互联网网站及服务实时监管取证系统。

    In this article , a design of a real-time monitoring and controlling forensics system of illegal website and its services has been proposed on the basis of understanding working flow the HTTP .

  7. IDC机房服务器往往数量很多,如何能有效监测其中网页内容,及时发现并消除网页中的有害信息,就成为一个摆在系统管理者眼前的难题。

    Because of a great many servers in IDC server room , it is difficult for the system manager to monitor the content of web page effectively and detect and remove the deleterious information of the web page .

  8. 为了营造健康和谐的BBS舆论氛围,减少有害信息的传播,本文提出了基于社会网络分析的BBS内容安全动态监测模型。

    In order to build a healthy and harmonious BBS public opinion atmosphere and reduce the spread of harmful information , this paper proposes a dynamic monitoring model for BBS content security based on social network analysis .

  9. 网页有害信息过滤系统设计与实现

    Design and Realization of System Filtering Harmful Messages in the Internet

  10. 网络有害信息对青少年学生的危害

    The Harm to the Young Students from Harmful Information on Internet

  11. 网络环境下有害信息的识别与过滤技术

    Identification and Filtration Techniques of Harmful Information in Network Environment

  12. 网络有害信息法律管制之我见

    My Personal View on Regulating the Harmful Information on Internet with Law

  13. 基于人工神经网络的有害信息过滤智能决策系统

    An Intelligent Decision-making System for ⅲ Healthy Information Filtering Based on Artificial Neural Networks

  14. 网络有害信息管理中的冲突与困境

    Baleful Internet Information control and its dilemma

  15. 网络有害信息的泛滥成为困扰网络发展的重要问题之一。

    The overflow of baleful Internet information becomes one of the big problems puzzling the Internet development .

  16. 没有对媒体的检查制度就无法想象有效阻止有害信息的传播。

    Without censorship of mass media , efficient prevention of hazardous information from spreading would be beyond imagination .

  17. 英国政府一直致力于对未成年人上网进行保护,避免他们接触有害信息。

    The British government has long been committed to protecting young people from exposure to harmful information online .

  18. 校园网的信息安全,特别是多民族院校网络信息安全尚处于起步阶段,很多有害信息通过校园网对在校学生产生了不利影响。

    In most of multi-ethnical universities , the information safety of the campus network is still in its initial period .

  19. 第二、建立文本分类模型,使用大量的有害信息样本数据训练分类模型。

    Secondly , Building text categorization model , and training the model by a great many harmful information samples data .

  20. 实际上,那些无用或者有害信息的信息量远远超过了我们所需要的信息量,给人们带来了很多不便。

    Actually , only the useful information is what we need , much more useless or harmful information should be filtered .

  21. 飞速发展的网络在给工作和生活带来便利的同时,也带来了一些有害信息。

    The rapid development of the network to facilitate the work and life , it has also brought some harmful information .

  22. 而且随着互联网的信息泛滥,一些网站的有害信息慢慢腐蚀毒害着人们。

    With the information flood in the internet , some mal-information can spread over the internet , it can make people corrupted .

  23. 互联网在带来生产、生活便利的同时,也大大增加了未成年人有害信息传播的机会。

    When the Internet brings convenience to production and life , it also greatly increases the opportunity of harmful information dissemination among juveniles .

  24. 针对日益严重的互联网有害信息污染问题,本文对网络内容监管系统的关键技术进行深入研究。

    In the wake of deteriorating harmful information pollution of Internet , this paper delves into the key techniques of Internet content-supervision system .

  25. 如果你有孩子或者你打算要孩子,你应该能理解作为家长对互联网传播有害信息的关切。

    If you have any children or you are expecting some , you can understand the concern of the parents over the harmful Internet content .

  26. 有害信息判断问题是有害信息过滤研究当中的一个关键问题,同时也是一个难点问题。

    The judgement problem of ill healthy information is not only the key problem but also the nodus problem in the research for ill healthy information filtration .

  27. 根据控制理论的思想,该算法在系统3个回路中分别加入不同的阻尼反馈网络,通过引入磁航向信息和充分利用系统本身速度信息来阻尼有害信息。

    According to the control theory , the system adds different damp feedback in three loops , which uses magnetic heading degree and velocities to damp errors .

  28. 引导广大用户文明使用网络,增强网络道德意识,自觉抵制有害信息的传播。

    Encouraging people to use Internet in an ethical way , enhancing the sense of moral of Internet and stopping the flow of harmful information on Internet .

  29. 论坛作为一种网民常用的互联网应用形式,在方便网民的同时,也面临着传播不良有害信息的问题。

    Forum is used as an commonly Internet application form . It facilitates users greatly . At the same time , it is also facing the problem of harmful information .

  30. 其一是对短信流量突然增多,数量超乎寻常的手机或平台的短信内容进行抽检,防止其传播有害信息。

    The first is to take content sampling about a sudden increase in SMS traffic , number of extraordinary SMS mobile phone or platform to prevent the spread of harmful information .