
  • 网络Valid Patent;Patent In Force;live patent
  1. 中外在华有效专利存量的比较分析研究

    Comparison Analysis of Patents in Force in China from Domestic and Overseas

  2. 从有效专利看河北省高校技术创新能力

    Analysis on the Technical Innovation Capability of Universities in Hebei Province According to the Valid Patent

  3. 当被控方法或产品包含有效专利的任何权利要求中的所有限制特征时,可以满足直接侵权。

    Literally infringing can be met when an accused method or product re-embodies all the limitations of any of claims of an effective patent .

  4. 专利制度是国家为了促进科学技术和经济的发展而设立的有关专利权的授予、无效以及保护的制度,其重点是对有效专利权的保护。

    The establishment of the franchise awards of National patent system is to promote economic , science , technology developement . it focuses on the effective protection of patent rights .

  5. 改进专利技术是指基于有效专利技术产品或专利方法,进行技术的优化与创造,形成具有新质和优势的先进新技术。

    Improved patent technology is the formation of new advanced technology which has new character and advantage , based on the effective patented technology products or patents method , with the creation or optimization of technology .

  6. 接着,我们指出了有效专利寿命这一概念中所存在的乃在逻辑矛盾,并建议了一个更为合理的指标一专利制度的总保护程度。

    Furthermore , we point out the intrinsic contradiction in the concept of the effective patent life concept advocated by O'Donoghue et al ( 1998 ) and suggest a more reasonable index O , the extent of entire protection .

  7. 在公共非商业性使用的情况下,如政府或合同方未作专利检索即知道或有显而易见的理由知道一有效专利正在或将要被政府使用或为政府而使用,则应迅速告知权利持有人;

    In the case of public non-commercial use , where the government or contractor , without making a patent search , knows or has demonstrable grounds to know that a valid patent is or will be used by or for the government , the right holder shall be informed promptly ;

  8. 我国加入WTO一年来,涉及专利侵权的法律纠纷急剧增加,如何有效规避专利技术壁垒,有效保护我国企业知识技术产权,已成为当前迫切需要解决的问题。

    Since one year after China Accession to WTO the law disputes of infringement of patent are increased acutely . How to evade the technical forts and protect the intellectual property of the business circles of our country efficiently it 's became the problem need solve at present .

  9. 如何有效利用专利信息资源&失效专利和过期专利的使用技巧

    How to Utilize the Patent Information Resource Efficiently & Discussion on the Use Skill of Invalid Patent and Overdue Patent

  10. 专利信息作为企业管理中的战略性资源,有效利用专利信息可以提升企业竞争力。

    Patent information is a strategic resource in business management . Enterprises can enhance their competitiveness if they use patent information effectively .

  11. 前言:目的:为在公共健康危机发生时,能有效降低专利药品价格,提高药品的可获得性。

    OBJECTIVE : To lower the price of patent medicine effectively and to increase the access to medicine when public health crises occur .

  12. 美国的法则与其它国家的趋同是全球范围内共同合作和有效审查专利的重要步骤。

    Harmonising America 's rules with those in other countries would be a step towards greater co-operation and efficiency in patent examinations globally .

  13. 他们的目标:找到一项被认定有效的专利,迫使对手绕道而行,或者达成专利许可协议。

    Their goal : to find a patent that sticks , and to force competitors to work around it or strike a licensing deal .

  14. 专利价值凸现的同时,专利纠纷也大量增加,如何处理好这一矛盾,有效解决专利纠纷,打击专利侵权行为,保护专利权人利益,成为摆在我们面前的现实问题。

    Along with highlights of the franchise value raise a lot of patent disputes , how to handle the contradiction have become the practical problems that we are facing .

  15. 有效的专利成果转化不仅是促进技术创新成果扩散的机制,而且也是形成良性创新机制的重要环节。

    Effective patent achievements is not only the mechanism to promote the diffusion of technological innovation achievement and it is also or an important part of benign innovative mechanisms .

  16. 曾有法院试图发出在几个成员国有效的专利侵权禁令,但目前多数意见认为此类禁令无效。

    There have also been some attempts to order injunctions in several member states for patent infringement but the better view currently is that such orders are not valid .

  17. 为了促进高技术的发展,应切实做到有效的专利保护,并扩大化学领域的专利保护范围。

    In order to promote the advancement of high-techs , we shall expand the range of patent protection in the area of the chemical industry and exercise effectively the protection of patents .

  18. 专利制度是推动科技创新与发展的强大动力之一,通过有效的专利保护来获得对技术的暂时垄断已经成为转基因技术产业发展的主要动因。

    Patent system is one of the strong engine for pushing science technology innovation and development . Temporary technique monopolization protected by patents has become the main reason for the development of the transgenic technology .

  19. 为了适应激烈的国内外竞争环境,适应知识经济的发展要求,我国企业迫切需要积极制订和实施有效的专利战略。

    In order to adapt to the vigorous domestic and international competition , and the development of knowledge-based economy , patent strategy is urgent to be established and put into practice for business enterprise in our country .

  20. 要想保障好专利制度,有效保护专利权,鼓励发明创造,其关键就在于要以准确判定专利侵权行为作为前提,并且要有效惩治专利侵权行为。

    To protecting patent , conserving patent system , encouraging creation as well as possible , the key point is to punish patent infringement efficiently and make judging patent infringement be the precondition at the same time .

  21. 对于一个生物技术企业来说,发展一个有效的专利诉讼战略相当重要,生物技术专利诉讼的高期望值及高额的诉讼成本引起了各方的关注。

    For a biotechnology company , it is very important to develop some valid patent litigation strategies , and the people at large concern the high expectations and the high litigation costs about the biotechnology patent litigation .

  22. 在比较分析的基础上对用户如何有效进行专利信息检索提出建议,并针对三大专利检索系统尚存的局限向系统开发人员提出专利检索系统的优化方案。

    Finally , based on the comparative analysis , author put forward the reasonable proposals on how users retrieval patent information effectively ; aim at the limitations of the patent search system , optimization scheme of the three patent retrieval system is been proposed to system design and development staff .

  23. 美国生物技术企业通过有效地实施专利战略,取得了快速地发展,占据全球领导地位。

    In US , biotechnology enterprises make rapid progresses with the development of effective patent strategy .

  24. 实际应用表明,本文改进的算法能可靠、有效地满足专利管理的要求。

    Practical applications show that the improved algorithm can be reliable and effective to meet the requirements of patent management .

  25. 所以,如何切实有效地保护专利权人的合法权益,制止侵权,就成为专利法的核心工作。

    Therefore , how to usefully protect the legal rights and interests of the patentee has become the core work of the patent law .

  26. 然而,我国专利法和相关法律对专利权的限制无法有效地遏制专利权滥用行为。

    However , the restriction of patent right by Chinese Patent Law and patent-related laws can not put efficiently under control the abuse of patent .

  27. 所以,为了更充分有效的保护专利权人的利益,应对愈发隐蔽和复杂的专利侵权行为,同时又要避免专利权滥用。

    So , in order to effectively protect the interests of the patentee , more fully cope with more concealment and complexity of patent infringement , at the same time to avoid the abuse of patent right .

  28. 实验验证了使用本方法完成专利检索的可行性,与其他检索方法的横向对比表明该方法具有较高的召回率和平均准确率,是一种有效可行的专利检索方法。

    The experiment proves the feasibility of searching the patent documents with this method . The comparative experiment result shows that our retrieve method achieves better recall and average precision . Our AQE-based patent retrieval is an effective method .

  29. 在面对前所未有的产业暴增局面和严峻的市场竞争环境下,重庆市信息技术企业能否有效地运用专利战略来保护和提升自己,必将成为企业发展成败的关键。

    In the face of the unprecedented exploded industrial situation and the severe market competition environment , whether the Information industry of Chongqing used patent strategy to protect and enhance itself effectively is the key to the success of enterprise development .

  30. 我国润滑油企业应当不断地创新,开发出具有自主知识产权的创新技术,同时加强专利保护意识,有效地运用专利策略,制定出适合行业和企业实际情况的专利战略,提高竞争力。

    Lubricant oil enterprises in our country should continuously innovate , develop innovative techniques with Chinese own intellectual property , strengthen patent protection consciousness , effectively utilize patent strategy , and institute patent stratagem suitable for industry and enterprise actual situation to enhance competition force .