
  • 网络the prior art defense
  1. 我们对于现有技术抗辩制度的理解还是字面上的,现有技术抗辩应用中涉及的问题很多、很复杂。

    We understand the prior art defense system or literally , the problems of the prior art defense applications involves many complex .

  2. 和学者们的观点一样,希望现有技术抗辩的适用范围有所扩大,将其适用于专利相同侵权。

    And scholars point of view , hope the scope of the prior art defense has been expanded to apply to the same patent infringement .

  3. 第五部分分析了现有技术抗辩的例外。

    Part five is to analyze the exception of existing technology defense .

  4. 现有技术抗辩,是国外知识产权界普遍适用的原则。

    Existing technology defense is principle used by foreign intellectual property community generally .

  5. 从药品专利侵权诉讼看现有技术抗辩原则的运用

    Application of defense principle of publicly known technology in the drug patent infringement litigation

  6. 理清现有技术抗辩与这些概念的关系,有助于我们加深对现有技术抗辩的理解,这也是本部分写作的主要意义。

    Such study is significant for us to get a deeper understanding of the prior art defense .

  7. 现有技术抗辩就是我国《专利法》2008年修正之后正式写入专利法的。

    The defense of an existing technology was introduced into " Patent Law " in 2008 after a formal amendment .

  8. 现有技术抗辩对比标准之多,争议之大,体现学术上百家争鸣,同时也是杂乱无章的表现。

    Contrast standard prior art defense as much as the big controversy reflects academic contending , but also disorganized performance .

  9. 要讨论现有技术抗辩,一个重要的问题是弄清楚什么是现有技术。

    To discuss existing technology defense , one of the most problems is to figure out what is the existing technology .

  10. 分析了现有技术抗辩存在的不足和缺陷,提出从立法上完善我国现有技术抗辩制度的建议。

    Gaps and defects of existing technology defense are analyzed , proposing to improve our system of existing technology defense from the legislation .

  11. 同时建议有关方面及时出台权威的解释,统一我国对现有技术抗辩的认识和理解。

    The thesis also suggests the authorities provide interpretations on existing technology defense timely to unify our knowledge and understanding on existing technology defense .

  12. 德国、日本、美国现有技术抗辩制度采用新颖性和创造性标准,成为国际趋势。

    Germany , Japan , the United States ' existing technical defense system adopts novelty and creative standard , which has become an international trend .

  13. 其次,对现有技术抗辩制度的理论依据、理论价值、适用条件等比较分析,最终明确了现有抗辩制度的适用范围。

    Secondly , the existing technology defense system of theoretical basis , theoretical value , applicable condition of comparative analysis , finally clear the existing defense system applicable scope .

  14. 现有技术抗辩制度的设计的初衷还是还原诉讼双方平等对抗的诉讼原则,完全是法律公平正义理念的反映。

    Prior art defense system designed to restore the original intention or action lawsuit against the principle of equality of the two sides , is entirely reflect the concept of legal justice .

  15. 分别比较了现有技术抗辩与先用权抗辩原则、禁止反悔原则以及等同原则的区别,明确了各自的概念,加深了对现有技术抗辩的理解。

    The distinctions of prior right defense principle , estoppel principle , doctrine of equivalents and existing technology defense are compared respectively and their concepts are defined , deepening the understanding of existing technology defense .

  16. 现有技术抗辩在专利抗辩制度中受到广泛关注,理论界对现有技术抗辩的讨论方兴未艾,实践中现有技术抗辩的得到越来越多的运用。

    Defense in the patent prior art defense system received extensive attention , theory of ? the defense industry to discuss the prior art in the ascendant , in practice the defense of prior art more and more use .

  17. 本部分重点通过对现有技术抗辩的概念和法律依据、现有技术抗辩的对比方式和对比标准的分析,阐明了现有技术抗辩的基本内涵。

    This section focus on the existing technology through the concept of defense and the legal basis for comparison of existing technology defenses standard analytical methods and compared to clarify the existing technology , the basic connotation of defense .

  18. 首先介绍了现有技术抗辩的概念,现有技术抗辩又被称为公知技术抗辩、已有技术抗辩等,明确了我国采用现有技术抗辩的说法。

    First , the concept of existing technology defense is introduced , and it is also known as " public technology defense " and " prior technology defense " and so on ; statement of china applying " existing technology defense " is defined .

  19. 作为体现专利制度利益平衡机制重要手段的现有技术抗辩在理论界和实务界具有较高的影响和一定的研究价值,因此备受该领域理论与实务界的青睐。

    As the embodiment of balancing mechanism of interests in patent law is an important means of existing technology defense in theory and legal practice with high effect and certain research value , so much in the field of theory and practice in favor of .

  20. 在《专利法》第三次修改以前,我国在立法上并没有明确规定现有技术抗辩,只是在司法解释中涉及过,能否以及如何适用现有技术抗辩,理论界和实务界存在较大的争议。

    Before the third revision of Patent Law , there were not clear provision in our legislation about existing technology defense , and it was only involved in judicial interpretation . Whether and how to apply existing technology defense , there was big controversial between theory and practice .

  21. 只要被控侵权人能证明其使用的技术是现有技术,就能认定现有技术抗辩成立,被控侵权技术不构成侵犯专利权。

    As long as the accused infringer can prove that their technology is an existing technology , he can claim existing technology defense and the accused technology does not constitute patent infringement .

  22. 首先通过对现有技术的渊源探究,寻找出对现有技术抗辩的最确切的定义。

    Based on the exploration of the source of the existing technology , find out the existing technology defense of the most exact definition .