
  • 网络questionable patent;Question Patent
  1. 问题专利由于涉及专利质量及不正当竞争等有关问题已经引起了广泛关注,问题专利一词在各类文献中的使用率颇高。

    " questionable Patent " because of the quality of patents and unfair competition , and other related issues have attracted wide attention ," questionable patent " in all types of literature in the high utilization rate .

  2. 然而,我国专利权质押存在诸多问题,专利权质押现状不容乐观。

    However , the patent pledge in China exists many problems , the actuality of patent pledge is not optimistic .

  3. 跨国并购中的专利问题包括专利的审慎性调查与评估、专利交易模式、专利的反垄断审查等方面。

    The patent-related transaction issues during cross-border MA include due diligence and evaluation of patent , mode of patent transaction and anti-trust investigation .

  4. 专利质量问题成为专利制度改革的重要议题,而与质量问题密切相关的就是专利创造性标准问题。

    Quality of patents has become an important issue in patent system reform , and what is closely related with the quality issue is the standard of inventive step .

  5. 最后对国际标准化过程中面临的两个问题:专利与标准的问题、标准国际化和技术贸易壁垒的问题进行了分析和探讨。

    At last the two issues facing the international standardization process were analyzed and discussed : issue of patents and standards , and that of International standardization and technical barriers to trade .

  6. 如何充分地利用如此巨大的信息资源,使专利在科研和专利业务的诸多方面发挥重要作用,针对该问题,专利信息处理系统应运而生。

    For solving the problem that how to use it to make the patents play an important role in many aspects of the research and patent business , patent information processing system emerges .

  7. 专利数据有独特的结构,专业性强,目前专利分类主要存在机械性强,数据维度高,分类率较低等问题;专利检索中存在数据量大,检索效率低,专业化门槛高等问题。

    Patent data has its unique structure and professional , now Patent Classification mainly faces machine segmentation , high dimension , and low classification issues , and patent retrieval faces the problems of large volume of data , low retrieval efficiency , and professional-used .

  8. 本文主要探讨了专利池立法内容上的利益平衡问题、专利池组成及其专利联合许可法律问题、标准制定问题以及专利池立法的形式技术问题。

    The article has mainly discussed in the benefit balance of the patent pool legislation content , the legal matters about the patent pool composition and the patent union permission , the questions of the standard formulation and the form technology of patent pool legislation .

  9. 然而Speex开发的最严重的问题就是软件专利。

    The most severe problem for Speex development are software patents , though .

  10. 该问题关系到专利权人利益和社会公众利益的平衡。

    The problem requires a delicate balance of interests between patentee and the public .

  11. 第二个更为严肃的问题是,专利主张实体是否发起了不对称战争。

    A second , more serious question is whether PAEs engage in asymmetric warfare .

  12. 这一显而易见的问题在绿色专利强制许可的语境下却显得扑朔迷离。

    The obvious question has become confusing in the green context of patent compulsory licensing .

  13. 专利池中的权利滥用问题&美国专利权滥用规则的发展

    On patent misuse in patent pool

  14. 结果与结论:我国制药企业应重视专利问题,运用专利战略,取得竞争优势。

    RESULTS & CONCLUSION : Chinese pharmaceutical enterprises should highlight the patent problems and apply patent strategy to achieve competitive advantage .

  15. 再次,应针对技术标准中采用专利出现的法律问题对《专利法》及用其实施细则进行完善,制度设计上尤其要注意与标准化组织的专利政策配套协调。

    Third , we should perfect the patent law and its implementing rules , and pay particular attention to the coordination for patent policy .

  16. 一个更难回答的问题是,专利申请乃至专利获批情况是否能为我们了解国家间的相对创新态势提供什么有意义的线索。

    The more knotty question is whether patent applications or even those that are granted tell us anything meaningful about the comparative state of innovation between countries .

  17. 这家大公司获得制造《地产大亨》专利权不久后,就希望获得未来有可能产生问题的所有专利。

    The major company had recently acquired the rights to produce Monopoly and wished to gain ownership of any patents which could prove problematic in the future .

  18. 但还有一些其他问题,不仅专利局和专利制度的用户感兴趣,而且普通公众也很关心。

    But there were other topics as well of interest not just to the patent offices and users of the system , but also to the general public .

  19. 药品专利强制许可制度产生于知识产权制度下的利益平衡原则,该制度的设立是为了解决公共健康问题而对专利权进行的一种最大的限制。

    The compulsory license system for patented medicine originates from one of principles of Intellectual Property Law that is balance of interests . The purpose of the system is to resolve public health problem by limiting right of patent holder .

  20. 为解决塔器进气分布不均、气体在塔内停留时间短和脱硫效率低等问题,发明专利单切向环栅式喷射鼓泡进气脱硫装置,打破了传统进气装置的设计模式。

    In order to solve the problems such as non-uniform gas distribution of towers , short residence time of gas inside tower and low desulphurization efficiency , the patent device of the single tangent ring bar sprayed bubbling gas distributing breaks the design pattern of traditional admission gear .

  21. 在知识经济时代,物联网作为研发制造领域新的技术革命产物从微观层面会面临很多知识产权保护方面的问题;如专利壁垒问题,标准问题等等。

    In the knowledge economy era , internet of things as a research and development of new technology revolution from micro level of product manufacturing field will be facing a lot of intellectual property rights protection problems , such as patent barriers , the standard question and so on .

  22. 此类问题不解决,专利权质权的发展前景就不容乐观。

    If such problems are not resolved properly , the development of patent right pledge is not optimistic .

  23. 首先,提出药品专利制度与全球公共健康问题,分析药品专利与公共健康维护二者之间的冲突。

    First , it brings forward pharmaceutical patent and public health problems and analyzes the conflict between them .

  24. 因为主管和管辖的问题,我国专利诉讼程序存在许多问题。

    Because the litigation charge and the jurisdiction , the proceedings in our country has a lot of issues .

  25. 专利间接侵权问题是公认的专利制度中最棘手的问题之一。

    The indirect infringement of patent is widely considered to be one of the most toughest issues concerning the patent system .

  26. 专利产品的平行进口是国际贸易中的常见问题,关系到专利权人和社会公众之间的利益平衡,必须认真对待。

    Patent parallel imports are products of the common international trade issues related to the franchise and the balance of interests between the public must be taken seriously .

  27. 宽限期作为现有技术例外情形,涉及专利实质条件中新颖性的满足问题,从而影响专利确权,成为专利法中的一个基本问题。

    As an exception of prior art , grace period is referring to the fulfillment of the patentability requirements of novelty , so it affects authorization of patent .

  28. 和那些问题相比,佰利专利案微不足道,但它突显了在中国经营一家科技企业可能会频频遇到的麻烦。

    The Baili patent case pales in comparison to those troubles , though it underscores the day-to-day annoyances that can come with running a tech business in China .

  29. 除此之外,对外观设计专利保护对象范围的界定问题以及外观设计专利权与在先权利的冲突问题也是外观设计专利保护中的重要内容。

    In addition , the object of design patent protection issues and the definition of the scope of design patent rights in conflict with the earlier design patent protection is an important part .

  30. 在对是否将商业方法、计算机程序等新兴的技术形式纳入专利保护范围的问题上,欧洲专利局一直持较为谨慎和保守的态度。

    Whether in business methods , computer programs and other new forms of technology into the scope of patent protection issues , the European Patent Office has always taken a more cautious and conservative attitude .