
wài ɡuān shè jì zhuān lì
  • industrial design patent
  1. 并已取得相关产品的外观设计专利。

    And related products has been made in the design patent .

  2. 外观设计专利保护范围和侵权判定

    Exterior Design Patent Protection Limits and Violating Property Right Determinant

  3. 将CBIR技术引入到外观设计专利检索中,开创了一种全新的检索思路;

    Specifically , we make the following contributions : ( 1 ) Introduce CBIR technology to product design patents retrieval , establish a new method of product design patents retrieval .

  4. 我国服装外观设计专利保护现状分析

    Analysis the Protection of Design Patent of Clothing in China

  5. 浅谈外观设计专利对工业设计的影响

    Effect of Patent of Package Design on Industrial Design Industry

  6. 湖北省工业品外观设计专利发展对策研究

    Research on the Developmental Strategies of Hubei Province 's Industrial Design Patent

  7. 我国与亚洲部分国家外观设计专利现状之比较

    The Status Industrial Design Patent Comparison between China and some Asian Countries

  8. 此外我国可以在外观设计专利侵权认定中采用美感标准。

    In addition , China can design patent infringement identified by aesthetic standards .

  9. 外观设计专利侵权判定之研究

    Research on the Ascertainment of Infringement upon Design Patent

  10. 基于纹理和形状特征的外观设计专利图像的检索方法

    Studies on the Retrieval of Design Patent Images

  11. 外观设计专利授权条件研究

    Study on Permission Conditions of Design Patent

  12. 公用性和功能性内容是外观设计专利侵权的抗辩事由。

    Parts for public use and functional segments are the pleas of industrial design infringement .

  13. 同时研究了外观设计专利的定性分析方法,用来分析特定产品的外观设计的发展途径。

    Meanwhile we research a method to analyze the development path of a product 's appearance .

  14. 至于实用新型专利和外观设计专利,保护期限更短,只有5年。

    For utility models and designs , the duration of protection is even shorter , only five years .

  15. 一件外观设计专利申请应当限于一种产品所使用的一项外观设计。

    An application for a patent for design shall be limited to one design incorporated in one product .

  16. 从外观设计专利的授予和保护谈专利法的相关修改

    Discussion on the Related Modification of Patent Law from the Perspective of Granting and Protecting Patents for Designs

  17. 实用新型专利权和外观设计专利权自公告之日起生效。

    The patent right for utility model or design shall take effect as of the date of the announcement .

  18. 但也有专家担心特别是外观设计专利,往往界定太宽泛,授权太容易了。

    But other experts worry that design patents in particular are often drawn too broadly and granted too easily .

  19. 我国外观设计专利制度主要包含了专利的申请、审查、保护期限和无效审查制度。

    Design patent system in China consists mainly of a patent application , examination , duration and ineffective censorship .

  20. 因此,对我国侵犯外观设计专利权的认定提出了建立以创新理论为基础的专利制度及侵权认定标准的建议。

    Therefore , our identification of design patent infringement proposed the establishment of innovation-based theory of the patent regime .

  21. 论外观设计专利的边界&兼评《专利法》第二条第四款

    Boundaries of Product Design & Comments on the Fourth Article of the Second Item of the Patent Law of China

  22. 一项实用新型专利或者外观设计专利的奖金最低不少于500元。

    The sum of money prize for a patent for utility model or design shall not be less than RMB 500 yuan .

  23. 最后以上面的研究为基础,完成了系统的开发,实现了对外观设计专利的检索和分析。

    At last , according to the research above , we finish the development of the retrieval and analytical system of design patent .

  24. (三)现场开展知识产权相关政策咨询,介绍我国外观设计专利保护特点和状况。

    Thirdly , arrange spot consultancy for IPR-related policies and introduce the features and situation of China ′ s IPR protection of exterior design .

  25. 第二节在第一节建议的基础上,对图形用户界面申请外观设计专利的审查标准如名称、图面、简要说明提出了具体建议。

    Then there are some suggestions about the name , drawings and descriptions of the GUI and ICON design patent application in Section II .

  26. 我国外观设计专利的初步审查制度需要进一步完善,成套产品的外观设计专利权的保护范围应当明确。

    The initial examination system for design patent in China needs perfecting , while the protecting range for design patent rights should be specified .

  27. 外观设计专利在我国可以说是新兴专利,我国从80年代初开始了这门学科研究。

    Product design patent is a kind of new patent in our country , since we just started research on this domain from 1980s .

  28. 国外先进的外观设计专利立法经验和司法实践经验是完善我国外观设计专利制度最有益的他山之石。

    Advanced experience of design patent legislation and judicial practices is to improve the design of the patent system of the most useful stone hills .

  29. 动漫产业是世界性“黄金产业”,与产业相关的专利保护尤其是外观设计专利保护非常重要。

    Cartoon industry is a world wide " golden industry ", and its patent protection , especially the protection of design patent , is very important .

  30. 专利复审委员会对宣告实用新型和外观设计专利权无效的请求所作出的决定为终局决定。

    The decision of the Patent Reexamination Board in respect of a request to declare invalid the patent right for utility model or design is final .