
  • 网络Foreign Exchange Reserve Risk;Exchange Reserve Risk
  1. 然后利用在险价值来体现外汇储备风险。

    Then Use the value at risk to reflect the risk of foreign exchange reserves .

  2. 外汇储备风险管理的过程,就是对风险进行辨识、度量、控制以及管理效果评估的过程。

    The process of management of FERs is in fact a process of identifying , measuring , controlling , and evaluating management effectiveness .

  3. 在此之后,本文对外汇储备结构管理进行了分析。不同于以往的研究,本文同时考虑币种与资产结构对外汇储备风险收益的影响。

    Unlike existing literature , this paper takes into account the effects on foreign exchange reserves risk-return of the currency structure and asset structure simultaneously .

  4. 在这方面,最重要的是做好两方面的工作,一是深入探讨外汇储备风险程度测量的理论与方法,二是采取切实可行的管控措施。

    It follows that exploring theories and methods for measuring risks of FERs and taking practical and effective measures of management and control are the top priorities at present .

  5. 亚洲作为这次危机被波及的地区正深受其害,面临着出口下降、就业减少、外汇储备风险加大等威胁。

    Asia is being impacted profoundly as the region is affected by the sprawling crisis , challenged by decrease of export , decline in employment , and rising risks in forex reserves .

  6. 因此,中国应该建立一个多层次、多元化的外汇储备风险管理框架,有效降低或分散外汇储备资本化的风险,实现风险约束下的外汇储备保值增殖,促进中国、美国乃至全球经济的和谐发展。

    Therefore , China should establish a multi-tier and diversified foreign reserve risk management framework to mitigate or diversify away the excessive foreign reserve risks , and facilitate the harmonized development in China , United States and even global economy via value-assurance-and-enhancement of foreign reserves under risk constrains .

  7. 优化外汇储备警惕金融风险

    Optimize Foreign Exchange Reserves : Be Cautious of Financial Risks

  8. 次贷危机后中国外汇储备资产的风险及优化配置

    Risk and Optimal Allocation of China 's Foreign Exchange Reserves after Sub-prime Crisis

  9. 中投成立于2007年,其使命是将中国的一部分外汇储备投资于风险相对较高的海外资产。

    CIC was established in 2007 with the mandate to invest some foreign reserves in riskier offshore assets .

  10. 我国高额外汇储备面临的风险及对策超额赔款再保险中最优自留额的确定

    The Current Risks and Countermeasures of China 's Huge Foreign Exchange Reserves Determination of the Best Retention in the Excess of Loss Reinsurance

  11. 单一的币种结构不仅增加了我国外汇储备的汇率风险,而且不利于外汇储备调节国际收支等职能的顺利实施。

    The single currency structure not only increases the risk of exchange rate , and is not conducive to implement the functions of foreign exchange reserves successfully .

  12. 外贸顺差导致国际贸易壁垒层出不穷,并存在持有外汇储备成本高的风险。

    The favorable balance of foreign trade lead to the fact that international trade barrier to emerge in an endless stream , the risk with high costs exists to hold the foreign currency store .

  13. 我国在外汇储备规模方面存在的种种理论误区,导致了政策偏差,使得我国外汇储备处于高风险状况之中。

    Different theoretical mistakes of China foreign reserve has led to policy difference and put our country 's reserve in a high risk status .

  14. 借鉴英国、美国、新加坡和欧元区外汇储备管理的经验,我国在外汇储备管理体制方面也应该有所转变和完善,实施积极的外汇储备管理体制,加强外汇储备风险管理。

    Moreover , we should perfect the foreign exchange reserves management system and the risk management by using experience of other countries for reference .