
  • 网络forex investment;Foreign Exchange Investing
  1. 一个基于Multi-Agent的外汇投资决策系统

    Foreign Exchange Investment Research and Consulting System based on Multi-Agent System

  2. 为养老基金管理外汇投资的recordcurrencymanagement表示,交易新兴市场货币是其今年最为成功的策略,回报率超过5%。

    Record currency management , which runs currency mandates for pension funds , says trading emerging market currencies has been its most successful strategy this year , with returns of more than 5 per cent .

  3. 您的每月外汇投资交易次数?

    How many times do you trade forex every month ?

  4. 外汇投资与汇率走势研究

    Research on Foreign Exchange Investment and Trend of Exchange Rate

  5. 分形小波在外汇投资市场中的应用

    Application of Fractal Wavelet to Foreign Exchange Investment Market

  6. 实际上,很多国家在自己的外汇投资组合中持有少量人民币。

    Indeed , many countries hold small amounts in their foreign exchange portfolios .

  7. 中国第一家外汇投资俱乐部就在这样的形势下应运诞生。

    The Chinese first foreign exchange invests the club to transport the birth under such situation .

  8. 评论指出中国将购买更多的黄金以促进其外汇投资组合。

    The comments indicate that China will buy more gold to improve its foreign reserve portfolio .

  9. 周二早些时候,分析师们仍在继续炮轰中信泰富对这项外汇投资巨亏事件的处理。

    Earlier Tuesday , analysts continued to blast the company for its handling of the currency debacle .

  10. 在经历2011年的艰难之后,投资者今年也对外汇投资采取了更为审慎的态度。

    Investors have also taken a more cautious approach to currency investment this year after a difficult 2011 .

  11. 另一类避风港则是海外股票,海外公司共同基金以及(对于更具冒险精神和更成熟的投资者而言)外汇投资。

    Another haven is foreign stocks or foreign-company mutual funds , and for the more venturesome and sophisticated foreign currencies .

  12. 如果您确定了贵金属,外汇投资是适合您的投资方式,那么您必须遵守以下承诺。

    If you have determined that investing in foreign currencies is suitable for you , then please execute the acknowledgement below .

  13. 藏汇于国到藏汇于民的外汇投资渠道探讨

    Probes into Foreign Currency Investment Channels from Stockpiling Foreign Exchange Reserves in State Coffers to Letting Businesses and Individuals Hold More Foreign Currency

  14. 近几年来,该地区经济发展迅猛,吸引了大量的外汇投资。

    In recent years , the region has had one of the fastest growing economies and has attracted the largest concentration of foreign investment .

  15. 对冲基金活动没有跟上其它地区的增长,拥有较长期投资计划的机构在外汇投资方面动作也相当迟缓。

    Hedge fund activity has not kept pace with growth elsewhere and institutions with longer-term investment horizons have been slow to invest in currencies .

  16. 然而,这部分资金不太可能一笔转移至新外汇投资公司,立即用于国内或海外直接投资。

    However , this amount of money is unlikely to be transferred in a single tranche for immediate investment , either domestically or offshore .

  17. 他表示,国家外汇投资公司有可能将注意力集中在私人股本、大宗商品和房地产等领域的特种基金管理公司。

    He said the body was likely to focus on specialist fund managers in areas such as private equity , commodities and real estate .

  18. 您可选择以定期存款作按金,在把握外汇投资良机的同时,亦可赚取较高的存款利息。

    You can choose to pledge your time deposits as collateral , allowing you to earn higher interest while capitalizing on foreign exchange investment opportunities .

  19. 国际清算银行的数据是金融市场了解产油国外汇投资趋势的最佳指引,而这些国家并不提供此类数据。

    BIS data is the best guide financial markets have to the currency investment trends of oil producers , which otherwise do not provide figures .

  20. 中国现在面临的诸多国内外政治经济难题决定了我国国家外汇投资公司的投资定位比其他类似的国外外汇储备管理机构更加复杂。

    Confronting with many political and economic difficulties , the investment orientation of China Investment Corporation is much more complex than the similar foreign reserves management institutions abroad .

  21. 分析师和投资者长期以来一直认为,瑞典和挪威两国由于存在经常账户盈余且利率水平较高,其货币都应当被视为外汇投资的避险币种。

    Analysts and investors have long argued that both Sweden and Norway , with their current account surpluses and higher interest rates , should be treated as currency havens .

  22. 随着市场复苏,相当多的亚洲投资者仍在选择风险极大的投资产品,比如,杠杆外汇投资以及复杂的结构化产品。

    Quite a large number of Asian investors are still taking excessive risks towards their investments , such as leveraged foreign exchange investments and complex structured products as markets recover .

  23. 准确把握汇率波动特征是进行外汇投资、外汇风险管理及防范等行为的基础,对国家宏观经济和微观经济作用巨大。

    Grasping the characteristics of exchange rate fluctuations accurately is essential for foreign investment , foreign exchange risk management and prevention . It has a huge effect on the national macroeconomic and microeconomic .

  24. 目前,许多国际基金的外汇投资管理理念已逐步由以预测汇率为基础的投资策略转向与市场共进退的趋势跟随策略。

    Currently , many international funds invest in foreign exchange management concept has gradually moved from the forecast exchange rate-based investment strategy closely aligned with the market trend of turning to follow the strategy .

  25. 央行票据的微观财务成本主要体现在利息支付和损失的外汇投资收益上,宏观经济成本主要体现在对贷款资金的挤出导致的资源错配和沉淀大量资金有损宏观经济运行效率两方面。

    Micro-financial costs of central bank bills is mainly reflected in interest payments and losses on foreign investment income , while macroeconomic costs primarily reflected on the loss of macro-economic operating efficiency due to precipitated a lot of money .

  26. 作为外汇投资机构包括外汇经纪商、银行、外汇投资者个体,需要对即将开放的外汇虚盘交易市场这一潜在的经济新增长点进行价值评估,进而作出理性的投资决策。

    As the FX investment institutions , including FX brokers , banks , individual FX mon-eyman , and work out rational investment decision-making , they need to evaluate the potential new item before the FX margin deal market will be disparked .

  27. 另外本系统支持短信和邮件提醒功能,根据用户设置的汇率阈值及时通知不在线的用户,使工作和外汇投资两不误。

    Sixthly , this system supports short message and e-mail alerts : it can notify the user whom is not online if the exchange rate reaches threshold that setting by user , so that foreign investment and work do not affect each other .

  28. 基于Copula的外汇组合投资风险分析

    Risk Analysis of Foreign Exchange Rates by Copula

  29. 中国新成立的外汇储备投资基金斥资30亿美元,在私人股本集团黑石(Blackstone)首次公开发行(IPO)之际,购入其9.9%股份。

    Its new foreign reserve investment fund paid $ 3bn for a 9.9 per cent stake in Blackstone , the private equity group , as part of its recent initial public offering .

  30. 但中国采取的一些举动&特别是宣布将30亿美元的外汇储备投资于美国私人股本集团黑石(Blackstone)的计划,却预示了未来进一步的麻烦。

    But some of its moves - especially the announcement that it will invest $ 3bn of its foreign exchange reserves in Blackstone , a US private equity group , point to further troubles ahead .