
  • 网络Art Investment;artwork investment
  1. 尽管中国的艺术品投资仍处在初期阶段,但市场参与者相信,市场具备巨大的增长潜力。

    Although art investment in China is still at an early stage , market participants believe the market has huge growth potential .

  2. 总体而言,艺术品投资周期以3至5年为佳,时间越长,其投资价值越发显现。

    Overall , the art investment cycle of 3 to 5 years is better , longer , more and more apparent value of their investments .

  3. 艺术品投资,已经成为了继房地产、金融证券之后的第三大投资领域。

    Artworks become the third major investment fields beyond the real estate , financial and securities .

  4. 并提出相应的管理控制对策,以便对投资者控制风险、把握艺术品投资提供一定的借鉴意义。

    And the corresponding management control measures to control risk to investors , take art to provide a reference for investment .

  5. 很可能她正是那个在社交场合或者艺术品投资方面使你保持参与其中的人,或许也正是她让你没有一直待在自己的鼹鼠洞里。

    Likely she is the one keeping you relevant when it comes to socialising , investing in art and keeping you out of your mole hole .

  6. 迪拜国际金融中心已在展览举办和艺术品投资方面居于领先地位,而拍卖和展会无疑有助于打造迪拜品牌。

    The DIFC has taken a lead in hosting exhibitions and investing in art , and the auctions and fair no doubt contribute to brand Dubai .

  7. 在艺术品投资、提供最佳葡萄酒购买知识和帮助客户投资老爷车方面,银行也采取了同样的做法。

    The same holds for investing in art , providing knowledge on the best wines to buy , and help with purchasing classic cars for investment .

  8. 拉美百万富翁最青睐的是艺术品投资,不过据报道,中国买家正成为画廊和拍卖行中越来越活跃的竞拍者。

    Investment in art was highest among millionaires in Latin America , though Chinese buyers were reported to be increasingly active bidders at galleries and auction houses .

  9. 本公司是文化部2006年首届中国国际艺术品投资与收藏博览会指定的唯一拍卖公司。

    This company is the only one that the first year ( 2006 ) China International Artistic Works Investment and Collection Exposition which is sponsored by Ministry of Culture , P.R.

  10. 艺术品投资的交易环节与股票、债券投资有较大的区别,交易并非连续竞价,而是通过拍卖形式成交,交易场所分散,交易的每一个品种几乎都是唯一的。

    Aspects of art investment and stock trading , bond investors have a greater difference , the transaction is not a continuous auction , but through the auction transaction , the transaction places scattered , trading almost every species is unique .

  11. 如今艺术品投资市场的火爆,与楼市、股市的冷淡形成了鲜明对比,且正逐步实现艺术金融产品的多样化,比如艺术品基金、艺术品信托、艺术理财产品等。

    Now compared with the stagnant housing market and the stock market , the art investment market is more popular far beyond them , and it is diversifying financial products gradually , such as art fund , art trust , art financial products and so on .

  12. 一位经验丰富的收藏家表示:一些对冲基金买家认为艺术品属于投资类别。

    Some of the hedge fund buyers think that art is an investment class .

  13. 保底拍卖是那些把艺术品当成投资的人鼓捣起来的。

    The rise in guarantees is augmented by those who see art as an investment .

  14. 艺术品的投资回报率高低,是与其周期的长短成正比关系的。

    Art high and low return on investment is proportional to its cycle length relationship .

  15. 对于归属问题在购买艺术品作为投资时扮演的角色,莫尔德是个很好的鉴定人。

    Mould is a good judge of the role attribution plays in buying art as an investment .

  16. 当下大量资本转移到对艺术品的投资,导致市场过热,给80后艺术家的创作带来一定的负面影响。

    Then lots of capital was transformed to artwork investment , resulting in an overheating market , which brought some negative influence on their creation .

  17. 他们大多寻求通过艺术品使投资渠道多样化,提升自己的公众形象,对自己的文化和周围的世界有更多了解。

    They mostly seek to diversify investment options , raise their public profile and learn more about their culture and the world around them through art .

  18. 最近一次机构内部调查显示,关于客户的投资意向,对艺术品的投资仅次于房地产,但投资未必就意味着回报。

    A recent in house survey showed that art was second only to property when it came to clients " investments . But investment does not necessarily equal profit .

  19. 其次,新一代收藏者选择上更有见识,更理性:他们买自己喜欢的,而不只是把艺术品当作投资。

    Second , this new breed of collectors are more knowledgeable and rational in their choices : they buy what they like and aren 't just looking to art as an investment .

  20. 人们还创建了艺术品基金来投资于艺术品,尽管其中取得进展的为数甚少。

    Art funds have also been launched to invest in artworks , although few have made headway .

  21. 在谈到归属及重新确定归属的问题时,所有的重点只能是:你是否能从艺术品上收回投资、甚至从中赚钱呢?

    The whole point of talking about attribution and re-attribution has to be : can you get your money back or even make money on art ?

  22. 正如经济学家威廉•鲍莫尔(WilliamBaumol)30年前所说,画作的价格“或多或少无目的地上下波动……那些把这些艺术品视为‘投资’的人们的行为,会进一步加剧这种波动”。

    As the economist William Baumol put it 30 years ago , the prices of paintings " float more or less aimlessly   .   .   .   exacerbated by the activities of those who treat such art objects as ' investments " . "

  23. 可以肯定的是,最富有的艺术品买家们把投资集中在风险较低的少数几个蓝筹艺术家身上。

    What is certain is that the wealthiest art buyers are concentrating their investment on a narrow range of low-risk blue chip names .

  24. 克里斯蒂拍卖行最近在香港的一次拍卖创下了亚洲艺术品销售的纪录,但这意味着艺术品就是你投资辛苦钱的好地方吗?

    Christie 's recent auction in Hong Kong saw Asian art selling at record prices , but does this mean that art is a good place to park one 's hard-earned cash ?